Chapter 2

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          Look for the hill. She needed to find the hill. Penny sat in a taxi watching scenery go by. It took a while to get out of the building build so close together it felt like you were always indoors. When she finally got a taxi, wth great difficulty, she asked to go all the way south. He looked at her extremely confused but didn't hesitate when she flashed some cash. Now she sat in the back thinking over her grandmothers last words to her.  My father. I'm gonna find my father. It didn't seem real. She had a dad back home in southern Alberta. No I don't. She thought. My dads dead. Along with the rest of my family. She forced herself not to dwell on that. Feeling bad for herself won't help anything.
         "Your not from around here are you?" The taxi driver asked. He was a short older man with a beer belly and the smell of smoke surrounding him. He had a strong New York accent, which made it hard for her Canadian ears to understand.
"Nope visiting some family" Penny way glad he finally talked, she liked us less chatter.
"Well I hope you know that nothings out here. Maybe a couple of old cabins."
"Exactly why I like it out here. To many people and towers in the city, making it hard to open your eyes without getting Smaug in them" what she said was true, she loved the getting away from civilization. As a child her parents would take her family to a nearby mountain range a couple hours away. It was her happy place.
"You small town folk. Everyone think New York is this magical place when really it's a bunch of smelly people living too close together." He gave a deep chuckle and Penny couldn't help but smile at him. They chatted a little more until he pulled to a stop, the road had come to an end. "Will you be alright here? Hate to leave a good customer stranded."
"Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks. Have a nice day" Penny handed him the cash and left, she was eager to get out of the smoke smelling car. Look for the hill. She was supposed to find answers here. Look for the hill. Penny looked around for the hill. She saw it, only problem was there was multiple it's. Come on grandma. She started walking straight through a mini valley. Well not really a Valley, more like the flat ground between pathetic small hills.
Penny didn't walk long before spotting a bigger hill then all the rest. This hill had fender trees growing, along with a taller pine tree on the very top. I'll go there and climb that tree.
Before she could even get a quarter way up the hill she heard a somebody yell behind her. She looked back and saw a strange sight. Her face grew into a smile, which may make her seem slightly cruel. Running in her direction was a blond haired boy wearing a bright purple shirt. He was running, sprinting, with a 2 dogs close in his heals. He was holding a long stick and would wave it around as if he was trying to scare the dogs. Stupid. They dogs want the stick you dingus. Penny didn't understand why he seemed so scared. These dogs were the size of golden retrievers, he shouldn't be this terrified. 
The boy noticed Penny. He started screaming something but she couldn't make out the words. She was too focused on the dogs, they seemed to get bigger the closer they got. Not just bigger, but meaner too. These dogs were now taller than her with raider sharp teeth and drool dripping from their mouth. She now understood what this boy was yelling. Run.

August          Book #1 chronicles of a halfblood Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat