Chapter 3

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Penny thought of the time she got chased by a dog as a child. It was a black lab eager to play. Penny never had a dog as a child so she didn't know how to react to a big dog racing towards her. She started to run along the fence yelling for her dad to help her. Her dad stood there watching, not seeing the dog because of the garden beds 2 feet above the ground. When she finally turned and ran towards him he saw the dog. He picked her up and got the dog out of there.
Her dad, he wasn't my real dad, wasn't here not to save her from these huge beasts. By the time she got her feet to start moving the boy was only a metre behind her. It wasn't long till the blond boy tripped and fell. Penny stopped and looked behind her. The boy lay on the ground, too exhausted to get back up. There was no way she could carry him and out run the hounds, which were getting closer every second. She made her decision and ran for the boy. He was heavier then he looked. She draped his arm over her shoulder and started dragging him. It was awkward. He was around 6'3 and Penny only being 5'4. Penny barely made it to the top of the hill before she had nowhere to go. They were I. The middle of nowhere, the best bet would be to climb a tree. She set the blonde down and finally got a good look at his face. Wow he's hot. He had Broken glasses and blood in his face. She could also see a scar on his upper lip. His eyes shot open to reveal blue eyes that seemed exactly the same colour as the sky.
"Coin.....pocket....flip" H said those three word before closing his eyes again. This time they didn't open back up. Penny realized there was no way she could get him up a tree in time. The don't we're 20 mitres away and coming fast. Her brain felt like it was shaking. She reached her hand into the boy's jean pocket and pulled out a large golden coin. It had markings she didn't recognize. It looked old. She tried to flip it, but it fell out of her shaky hands. Come on penny. She mumbled more colourful words under her breath. Picked up the coin and tried again. This time the coin expanded into the golden stick the blonde dude was carrying. Except it wasn't a stick, it was a golden sword.
The hounds were in front of her. She stood up and pointed the swords at them. One walked around blocking her off the other way. Whenever one got closer she would point the sword in that direction. They growled and snarled looking for an opening. Something caught Penny's eye, smoke rising down the other side of the hill. She could see a rooftop.
Juring this moment of distraction one dog pounced. Penny was quick and turned the sword to it, stabbing it in the head. It quickly turned to yellow dust. The other dog pounced. Her back was turned and she wasn't fast enough. She slashed the sword and cut its paw off. It limped away hurt. But it had got her. A long scratch was on her shoulder. It burned in an unnatural way.
Penny didn't let her wound bother her. She picked up the blond dude and started to head down the hill. Towards the only civilization she could see.
I felt like forever but she finally made it. The trees stopped to review a clearing. Built in that clearing was a large blue house. It was big. On the pouch there was a man with a beer belly drinking Diet Coke, and a man with kind eyes in a wheelchair. They were playing cards and were yet to notice the two injured teens.
"Umm I think, I think this blonde dude needs a bandaid." The man's eyes shot to the teenager. The one in the wheelchair acted quickly. He yelled something like Apollo cabin. Penny wasn't sure. Her senses were going fuzzy. Black dots dotted her vision. A weight was taken off of her shoulder and she looked to see a boy with bright red hair and too many freckles to count carrying him. Before she could collapse someone scooped her up. She didn't get the chance to look at the face. She closed her eyes and breathed in. The guy smelled like the sun. Like a shirt that was left outside all day. Penny liked that smell. She fell unconscious as he carried her somewhere unknown.

When Penny woke up it was dawn. She was lying in a white bed low to the ground. Around her were around 30 more beds exactly like hers, but only one other was occupied. Beside her lay the blonde dude. He was fast asleep with bandages across his head.
Penny started to get up and a sharp pain ran up her shoulder.  It was wrapped in bandages. She pushed past it and got up. She walked outside, curious to where she was. When she walked out the door she was greeted by many buildings. Cabins built in a U-shape, many more were being added. She could see a large fire pit and next to it was a floor full of picnic tables. Standing off to her right was a tallish blond boy watching the sunrise. She walked towards him ready to get answers.
"Where am I" she asked him. He glanced over at her with a smile that could melt any girl's heart. When he saw who was talking, a stern but kind look played across his face.
"Camp half-blood" he replied."you should be in bed still." he said jestering to her wounded shoulder. Penny ignored his comment about her owie.
"That's a wack name. Why am i here?"
"Well you're a halfblood obviously. Did you not know? I thought you did, no new camper could kill 2 hellhounds and drag 200pounds worth of demigod that far." He said the last part more to himself, kinda like her forgot a confused Penny was listening in.
"Hellhound? It sounds like you've been watching too much supernatural"
"I guess you are new" He looked excited. Why is he so happy to have a confused idiot to talk to?
"Yeah a little bit"
"Well um how knowledgeable are you on your greek gods?" he looked at Penny waiting for an answer. When she didn't answer and just gave him what the fuck kind of look he continued. "Well they're real. Hi my name is Will Solace, son of Apollo god of sun, music, healers and archery." he put out his hand for Penny to shake it. She grabbed it and shook.
"I'm Penny, my mom's name is Beth?" Will laughed at her. Is this a summer rehab camp? No way this guy is serious. Penny decided that she'd play along, for the sake of this boy's mental health.
"Come on i'll take you to get some supplies, you'll probably be staying here a while."

August          Book #1 chronicles of a halfblood Where stories live. Discover now