Chapter 5

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Percy stood at his mother's doorway. He had stayed away too long for Sally not to be angry. After the war Percy stayed an extra 2-3 weeks helping rebuild stuff, but mostly thinking of what to say to his mother. He still didn't know what he would say, but Chiron had told him that he ran out of excuses for why he hasn't been home yet. He took a deep breath and knocked. He heard some noise from inside and the door opened up to a man slightly taller than Percy. Paul. A huge smile made its way to both their faces. Before Percy could make a bad joke to break the science Paul brought him into a bear hug. It was short and they both laughed and hugged again. Tears stung Percy's eyes. Damn if he was already gonna cry with Paul there was no hope with his mother.
"Sally someone's at the door for you" Paul called down the hall as he pulled Percy in and shut the door. They both stood in the living room, Percy out of sight from the hall.
"Is it those bottles drive people again? Paul I told you we gave all out bottles to the other group. The one with the goats." Hearing his mother's voice sent another wave of emotions down Percy's body. When Percy came into Sally's view she stopped in her tracks and starred, tears started to brim her eyes. Percy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Hi mom. Sorry that-" Percy stopped talking when his mom hugged him. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore and silently rolled down his face. The huge lasted a long time, the perfect amount of time. Sally was the one to break it off.
"Perseus Jackson if you ever leave me again for 10 months without a word other than a punny message from Alaska. I swear I will " she didn't finish cuz she choked on a sob. Percy smiled at her and hugged her small frame again.
"I won't mom. I promise I won't" they hugger in silence for a few more minutes.
" so Roman egh?" Paul broke the silence. Percy and Sally made their way to the couch across from the chair Paul was sitting on. Percy laughed at his question.
"Yes romans, lots of them. And they aren't the friendliest people either."
"Percy could you tell us everything? Chiron only told us bits and pieces." The way Percy's mother said 'bits and pieces' he knew that meant Chiron had told them about Tartarus. So Percy flung into a detailed explanation about everything, not leaving out a single detail. When his mother heard about getting a burn tattoo on his arm she looked extremely concerned.
"Why would they do something like that? Wouldn't just putting it on paper be enough?"
He continued his story and when he got to the part where he fell into the pit he didn't make eye contact with them. He didn't describe most things. Just bob and the friendly giant that saved them, and he described the air and ground. How when you breathed it felt like you were inhaling second hand smoke, and the ground was bits of black glass. Tears were common during that part, even Paul couldn't keep them all in.
When Percy finished the story they chatted about What Paul and Sally have been doing. Sally had finished her book and it was selling great. Paul was the same old. He had gotten into the hobby of trying to make foreign foods, none of which had gone according to plan. They talked about the little things that made them all laugh, but Paul and Sally kept making eye contact like they still had something big to tell.
"And Percy there's one more thing that you should know." Paul reached over and grabbed her hand from across the coffee table. "You're gonna have a little sister"

Percy sat on the fire escape. Sally was making cookies and Paul decided to make a traditional Greek dish, in honour of Percy referring home. Percy had a lot to think about.  He was overjoyed about his mother expecting again. She was finally living the life she always wanted, the life Percy wanted for her. Percy couldn't help but think that maybe he should stay away next time. He didn't want to put them in any danger. The oven dinged and he knew the cookies were ready, he jumped back into the window ready to devore half his body weight of cookies.
That night he slept restlessly, which really pissed him off. He dreamed of running through a forest, in front of him was a girl with long dark hair with braids running around her hair. They were both wearing greek togas, the kind you see on statues (the ones that weren't naked). They were running fast and he heard a howl in the distance; hellhound, it sounded like two dozen or so. To many to fight off. So basically he was dreaming another way that he would die.he turned his attention back to the girl in front of him, waiting from her to turn around so he could identify her. They until they reached a rocky wall, with no clear way up. He heard a snarl. Turning around he saw multiple hellhounds crawling out of the trees.

Percy had spent almost a week at his mother's apartment now. Almost a week he has been experiencing dreams exactly like the first one. They always contained the same girl, but they never revealed her face. It was driving him crazy. If the stinking fates have to involve him in more of the gods problem couldn't they at least help him out a bit? He tried to hide his current distress from his family, but Sally could read right through it.
"You're having dreams again aren't you" she cornered him at breakfast that morning. She looked concerned for her son. Percy didn't want to answer her, the more she knew the more she would worry.
"Nahh nothing really. Just normal teenager dreams" Sally pressed her lips together into a thin line. Percy knew that she knew he was lying, but she didn't say anything. That broke Percy's heart a bit. As long as she was here she would always worry for me, I don't want her to worry. Tomorrow, i'll leave tomorrow morning. Before any ones awake. That night he made sure to give both Paul and his mom an extra long hug. He didn't know if he'd ever see them again.
"Will you tell mini Sally and Paul about me?" They looked at each other confused at Percy's sudden question. Mini Sally and Paul is what Percy had been calling the baby, since there wasn't a gender yet.
"Of course we will perce, your its brother" Sally rubbed his arm. Percy nodded and smiled. He headed off to his room.
He woke up just before dawn that morning. He had packed the night before and all he needed to do was leave a note in a place they could easily find. He threw on one of his many blue t-shirts and khaki shorts. He tip-toed to the fridge and placed it under a magnet. He then made his way quietly to the door, and took one last look around the apartment.
"What are you doing?" The voice scared Percy half to death. He jumped and looked around. He spotted Paul lying on the sofa, he looked like he slept there.
"Why were you sleeping on the couch?" was his smart response. He sat up and yawned. Daylight had started to seep through the windows.
"Sally suspected something was up. She wasn't sure at first but then you popped that question last night. So I offered to sleep out here tonight to make sure you didn't try to make a break for it." Percy cursed inside his brain, he knew he should've taken the fire escape from his bedroom window. It would've been a long jump from the first story down to the ground ally way. There might have even been thungs in that alley. What do thungs even look like, would they sleep in an ally? Paul broke him out of his tangent. "Why were you leaving perse?" Paul looked genuinely concerned, which brought a rush of emotion through his body.
" i don't want to hurt you guys" Paul looked at him even more confused
"Hurt us. Percy you would never hurt us" He stood up from the couch. Percy didn't have time to explain himself to Paul, his mom would wake up soon. But his mouth took over and he started to talk.
"I've already hurt you, everyday I do. Moms always stressed about if I'm ok or not. Have you noticed? Her hair is greyer, she looks tireder. I'm a burden she should have to carry. One day a monster is gonna smell me here and I may not be able to protect you guys. And... and I don't want mini Sally and Paul to get hurt. She cant get hurt because of me, she... she just can't." Paul was now standing a meter away from Percy now. Tears had pooled in Percy's eyes now, one had slipped out and was sliding down his cheek. Paul looked at him with a thoughtful expression.
"Percy you really think leaving is gonna make Sally stop stressing? She's your mother. She's always going to worry about you. Heck, even if you die and go to Elysium she's gonna worry if the other heroes are being nice to you." Percy gave a half sob chuckle. Paul took a step towards him. " and mini Sally and Paul, there going to want to meet their older brother. Percy, we don't care about the danger, we want you to stay." Percy felt more tears run down his cheeks. He tried to wipe some with his hoodie sleeve. He felt supid for crying, Paul stood in front of him with no sign of tears.
"But.. but what if-" Paul interrupted before her could finish.
"Percy you're staying." Percy sobbed again. He didn't know why he was showing so much emotion. Paul stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around Percy. He sobbed into his shoulder a couple of times more before regaining control of his water works.
"And percy, please don't mention Sally's grey hair in front of her. She's already too self conscious about it." Percy laughed at Paul's statement. Paul let go of him and they stood there for a moment.
"Am i interrupting something" Percy heard his mother's voice from the doorway. He didn't know how long she'd been there, but he hoped it wasn't long. Percy and Paul glanced over at each other.
"No. Me and Percy were just discussing some things about the upcoming school year. I think he should spend the rest of summer at camp, that way he can get all the fun out of him before the real work begins" Percy didn't like the sound of 'the real work' but he was grateful of paul for covering something. Percy could tell Sally knew that wasn't what they were really talking about, Percy still had a runny nose and red cheeks with tear lines through them from crying, but she didn't question it.
"Well then Percy you better pack your bags, I'll drive you out after breakfast."

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