Chapter 4

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Will had given Penny a 2 bright orange camp half blood t-shirts, one pair of jeans and a bag of toiletries. He told her she'd get to go into the city to get whatever else she needed soon. Now he was giving her a tour. She wasn't really paying attention, she was too busy trying to figure out what drugs these kids were on. Will stopped walking without Penny noticing, she walked right into him; which made 2 other boys laugh.
"Penny these are Conner and Travis Stoll, both sons of Hermes. You'll be staying in the hermes cabin until you get claimed" Will gave her one last smile before heading off to the building where they first came from. Penny looked at the two boys in front of her. They looked almost identical, the only difference was in the height. They had warm brown hair that was longer on then top, tall and lean, elfish features and warm brown eyes. Why was everybody here so hot?
"Hi" penny got uncomfortable pretty quickly as both of the boys were just staring at her with big smiles. They laughed at her awkwardness.
"Come this way we'll show you where you can crash" the smaller one was the first to talk. He smiled a devilish smile and started walking towards the cabins.
"So you're a newbie huh? How old are you?" the taller one, travis, asked.
"I guess so. Im 16"
"Well you will probably get claimed here soon then. Most people seem to come here around 13 or younger." Travis stated. What the hell did claimed mean?
"13 or younger? That seems too young to get sent to a mental camp" Penny said more seriously then a joke but both the boys laughed.
"I was 12 and Travis here was 14 when we first came here. Got claimed right away by hermes, god of thieves, travelers and messengers." Conner seemed like the friendlier of the two boys, or maybe he was just more desperate for a pretty girl to like him.
"So I should watch my back then, sons of thieves and all" Penny liked these boys, even if they were insane. They were light hearted and fun to be around.
"Here we are, not much but still home. You can take the floor between mine and conner's bed, that way we can keep watch over all your things" Travis laughed at his own joke and Conner joined in. Penny couldn't help but smile as she put her stuff on the red sleeping bag.
"Thanks so much"
"Now that you're settled let's start the activities"

If Penny didn't think they were crazy before she definitely thought is now. First they went to a canoe race. She was up against a group of blond scary looking kids, all with calculating grey eyes. Within the first 3 minutes travis, conner and Penny had fallen in the lake, losing the race. They all didn't mind though and just laughed while splashing more water at each other.
Next was spear training. The leaders all gave us a spear with a very pointy end. she found that out after she tapped it with my finger and it instantly started bleeding. The Stolls just laughed again. Penny was rubbish at spear stuff. Throwing it was no good because it wouldn't go that far, and trying to jab just got me off balance. she dueled with connor and after every 5 minutes she had landed on my but again.
We then headed towards the woods where a circle of campers were. Will was there and Penny waved. She sat down between the Stolls and a dude with red hair started to play the guitar. Everyone started to sing a jumpy tune. They played a few more songs that she didn't know before they dismissed us. You could tell only a few people took that class seriously.
Penny could tell it was lunch time by how much her stomach growled. They walked to the floor of picnic tables she had seen earlier and sat down at the most populated one.
"Penny, this is the rest of the residents of Hermes cabin." Conner made a hand jester to everyone sitting at that table. They were all eating a joke around "chiron wants to see you after lunch" Penny sat down and grabbed a plate. She looked around but couldn't see any place to get food. Conner noticed her confusion. "Oh they're magic. Just think of what you want to eat and it appears." he demonstrated and a sandwich appeared on his plate.
"Wait what?"Penny didn't know what to think. That wasn't possible. Conner and Travis both laughed at her face. "Wait so you were serious then? Greek gods are real?" Most of the table had turned to look at her now but she didn't care.
"Yeah did you think we were joking?" Travis asked, clearly amused.
"YES, i thought this was some sort of child rehab camp!" Conner choked on his sandwich when he started to laugh. It turned into a whole coughing fit. The table was all smiling at her now.
"Oh penny you're a funny one" Travis said after his fit of laughs "now eat some food" she looked at her plate and imagined her favourite lunch. A bowl of extra cheesy mac-and-cheese appeared in front of her. It looked utterly delicious.
"Are you sure this is real and someone didn't sneak magic mushrooms in the water?" No one actually answered her question, they all just laughed.

After lunch Conner took her to the big blue house. Travis was going to come but he spotted a girl. Conner said he's been trying to get her to go out with him for years. They chatted most of the way up there, cracking jokes and conner explaining demigod stuff.
"There was a huge war a couple years back, mortals call it the great slumber of New York. Percy Jackson saved that day. Then the 2nd war ended 'bout 2 weeks ago thanks to percy and 6 other demigods." His usual mode changed when he talked about those wars, like the wounds still haven't healed into scars. "Oh and by the way chiron likes to stay in his human form with new campers."
They entered the house. At a round table were the same two guys playing cards. One was drinking diet coke. The one in the wheel chair looked up when they entered.
"You must be Penny, pleased to meet you, I'm chiron." he seemed kind and joyful, but when penny looked into his eyes they were old. Older than she could think possible.
"Another new one? I'll deal you in. Stoll you can leave now." the diet coke man didn't even look up as he dealt the cards. Penny took the only remaining chair beside the Diet Coke man. She looked at the table and saw poker chips and a filmular board. "You know how to play remoli?"
"Actually yes" she picked up her cards, she liked what she saw.
"I assume they gave you the tour?" She could tell Chiron didn't enjoy having to play this game. She nodded at him. "I hope you are enjoying your time here. Do you expect to be a full year camper?"
" well that depends. Does it snow here?" She placed a 3 card down, claiming the poker chips in the 7-8-9 quadrant. Chiron smiles at her over his cards, he was losing bad.
"No, it doesn't"
"You mortals are boring me. Talk about something important." The Diet Coke man has finally averted focus from the game. "What kind of parties do you have in, wherever that place you came from" he was now dealing cards for the next round. "More importantly what kind of alcohol is drunk there"
"Dionysus"Chiron scowled at him " it is hardly appropriate to take about drinking in the presence of a minor"
"Oh well parties were rare and drinks even rarer. But when they did happen everyone was up all night, or until the cops came." Dionysus face played a smirk then quickly changed into a scowl.
"Cops always ruin the best parties"
Penny looked at her cards smiling. She liked playing cards, but winning cards made it so much more fun. Her and Dionysus started bidding raises it slowing. Chiron didn't get very far before he was all in.
"All in" Penny pushed all her chips into the pill, Dionysus following her lead. They revealed there cards. Chiron had a loosy pair of 2, Dionysus a full house and penny a straight flush.
"Ahh I thought you were bluffing!" Dionysus flung his arms out in outrage, but he wasn't made about losing. "Been some time since I've had some real competition around here. Chiron's no good at poker."
"Well Mr D I have responsibilities to attend to." Chiron definitely wasn't a poker type person. "Nice meeting you Penny. I have an archery class to teach and I'd love it if you could join me." Chiron started to wheel his Chair out towards the stairs.
"Nice meeting you Mr D." Penny rose to here feet ready to help the old man get down the stairs in his wheelchair.
"puny campers call me mr D, please call me Dionysus." Dionysus even outstretched his hand out for a shake. She shook it with delight Penny turned to leave once more. "And Penny feel free to come play poker anytime."

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