Chapter 7

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(Maxons Point of View)

"She has a 99% chance of survival," The doctor said. 

"So, she will completely recover from this?" I asked. I was hoping everything would be okay. I truly love America, and couldn't wait to have a future with her. I had spent the whole 5 hour surgery pacing back and forth, debating whether or not America will forgive him.

"Not exactly." The doctor said. The air in the room became still. "Come with me to my office."  I followed him, through the hospital wings. I glanced at every bed, before realizing she wouldn't be in here. She would be in a private room in the back. 

We had made it into the small office, and sat down. He was behind the polished mahogany desk, sifting through papers. I sat in front, staring at anything but what he was doing. Right now the small imperfections in the wood flooring were calling to me. 

"Here is Miss. Singers file. We are running some more blood work just to be sure." He said, glancing between the folder he was setting down in front of me. 

"What does this mean exactly," I questioned. There file was full of papers, with medical writing on them. I am not a doctor, and didn't understand any of it. 

"If our theories are correct, Miss Singer will live, but she won't have any memory left. If she does it will be slim." He said, glancing back down at the file. 

"Is that it, because we can fix that right?" I asked. He glanced back at the file, and flipped a few more pages. 

"She might not remember anything about the selection." The doctor said.

"So how far back will she remember?" I asked. I didn't want to know. I feel so bad, this is all my fault.

"At the least, she will remember everything up to a year ago." The doctor stood up. "Would you like to see her?"

I immediately stood up, and followed him to the back, and we stopped outside a door. "She will be asleep for the next hour, when she wakes up, please call for a doctor." The doctor turned around and went the other way. 

I slowly opened the door, to see America laying in the bed with her red hair sprawled out around her. She was so pale she looked like a ghost. I walk over to her bed, and grab her had. 

"America, I am so sorry. When you wake up, and want to leave, I will understand." I sat down in the chair, still holding her hand. 

I had been sitting in the room for about 30 minutes, before her hand started moving. 

"Maxon," She croaks. 

"Yes my dear," I reply. 

"Water" I quickly grab her the glass of water that was sitting next to her. I walk out the door, to see a nurse walking past. 

"America is awake, and I was told to get Dr. Greene."

The nurse scurried off, and I went back into the room. 

"How are you feeling," I asked. 

"fine," she says. I feel so bad, I can tell she is lying.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." I know she will get upset if I keep pestering her about it. 

The doctor comes in, and kicks me out. I'm not allowed in for 30 minutes. When I do enter, America is in tears, and the doctor looks shocked.

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