Chapter 5

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"Um um," was all she said, I watches as she took off running down the stone path. I knew she wasn't ready to be princess. She never wanted it. I watched as the gate slammed behind her and it killed me.

I vowed to stop talking to Kriss. I had spent more time with Kriss than America these past few weeks. It was taking a toll on my relationship with America.

I slowly walked back to my room, and my mother came in moments after I had sat down.

"Hello Maxon, how was your date with America," She asked me.

"Terrible, I took her to the secret garden, and proposed, but she ran off. I am done with the selection. I am done being Prince. America would want me if I wasn't Prince. It's not fair," I yelled. The guard came into my room to check on me.

"There is one way you can keep America. It will take a little bit. But it might be worth it," She told me.

"What is it?" I asked in a confused voice.

"Your cousin can take over, No one will support your decision, and you will have to go into hiding in France. Princess Daphine told us she would help you," She told me.

I knew it wouldn't work. If I did that Daphene would use that to her advantage, she would most likely kill America, and keep me all for herself, she would use me for things. I have to convince America to become Princess.

After my mom leaves, I call May, I need her to come Help me get America. I walk through the door that leads from m y room to the princess suite. I sit on the bed, and cry. I had designed the room for America, but it didn't work.

I realize I have been crying for over 6 hours

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I realize I have been crying for over 6 hours. I hear a knock on my door, so I rush to answer it. It is a butler with a note saying may was here. I go down to the GReat Room to wait. She rushes in, and I can tell she is looking for America. I take her down to the flower room, and she picks out blue painted roses, and a box of chocolates. I hand her a note, and send it on her way.

I head back up to the princess suite, and wait. I set up words written in Rose Petals, that says Marry me Princess. I don't know how she will react. I turn the lights out, and light over 300 candles. Soon enough I hear.

"Why are you taking me here May," America asked confused.

I had told May to wait outside, until I had gotten an answer, She would hold the doors closed.

"Ok, bye. I guess," America says as she opens the door, she has changed into a navy dress.(Picture at the top)

America comes in and stops. I most likely messed up, I haven't talked to her since last nights dinner. I slowly get onto one knee, and start my speech.

"America, I know you don't want to be princess, or queen. But, you want me. We can have both, no royalty, and get married. Just we will live in France, so are you ready to become Mrs Maxon Shreave, Because I am ready to have you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my Wife?"

She stands their crying, I hope she says yes.

"Yes, I Yes," She tells me.

I put the ring on her finger and kiss her. May comes running in, asking is she said yes, together we go and tell Kriss to get out of our house. America pulls me down a weird hallway, one where there is almost no one.

"I want to be princess," she tells me nervously.

"Really," I ask and she said yes. I am so happy I could kiss her. Me being me I did, It got really really passionate. Lets just say we might have gone a little to far in the hallway. But it was way better than the time America walked in on Me and Celeste. (this is the time they were kissing in the hallway in the books.)

let me know if you want longer chapters, because, I have pretty short chapters, so I can make them a little longer. Yay they are getting Married that makes me happy.

I will post on Saturdays and Wednesdays, and maybe a few other times, on special occasions. Thanks for reading.

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