Chapter 8

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(America's Point of View)

I had woken up, Maxon got kicked out of the room, while doctor Greene came and checked me out. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. 

"My back really hurts," I didn't want to tell Maxon, because I know he will blame himself.

"What do you remember?" I  thought about it honestly, and the last thing I remembered was the choosing ceremony and Maxon jumped in front of me.

"The choosing ceremony. Maxon got shot, but he seems okay now." 

"Yes, its been quite a while since that happened." He stated. 

"So are Maxon and Kriss happily married now?" I asked. 

"No, he is engaged to you." He said. 

"Really, I thought he hated me."

"No, he loves you."

"So when can I leave?" I ask. 

"We have a few complications," Doctor Greene says.

"Well, you have a slight memory loss, which wasn't the main concern." He looks down into the file he had carried in. "You are no longer able to have children. We ran lots of tests to double check, but I think you need to have the conversation with Maxon. He doesn't know about this." At this point I have tears streaming down my face. 

The door opens, and Maxon walks in. He immediately comes over and sits next to me. Dr. Greene tells me he will bring the medicine, and closes the door behind him. 

"America, I can tell something is wrong, will you please tell me." Maxon asks me. I want to tell him, I just don't know if I can. 

"There were some," I hesitated. "Complications." 

"What kind of complications," He grabs my hand, and rubs it. 

"A kind, where I will no longer be able to be your wife. I can't be queen." I don't want to say the answer out loud, because it will make it feel real.

"You don't love me anymore," He says quieter. "It's all my fault."

"No, no, no." I say. "I can't have children." I say as fast and quietly as possible. 

"Oh," he looks down, but doesn't let go of my hand. "We don't have to be king. I can escape. As long as you'll have me, we can still be together." He seems somehow more excited. A small smile is able to make it's way to my face, as the tears start to slow down. 

"But, everyone will hate you. I will always love you, but your kingdom needs you. It would be unfair for me to take you away from them." I say honestly. I love the idea of running away, like it's a forbidden love. 

"I don't care, all I want is to be with you." He says. "I have a cousin, he lives," he stops to think for a moment "actually I don't know where he lives, but he can take over. My mom told me about this, when you turned down my marriage proposal."

"I turned down you proposal?" I ask shocked. I would never do that, I guess I don't remember anything, so it's entirely possible I was pissed off.  

"Yep, you left me in the garden. I guess I should have talked to you, but I was nervous which is totally stupid." He says looking up to meet my eyes. 

"Oh, so are you going to turn down the kingdom?" I ask him. I move slightly and shocks of pain start running up my back and I start screaming. 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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