Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV

It's been a couple of days since the rescue. You were relaxing with Asher, Cream, and Cheese, making flower crowns. Cream was more of the expert out of the both of you but you still enjoyed doing it. Asher, on the other hand, was practically destroying the flowers that were handed to him, but not on purpose. He was just really really bad at making flower crowns.

"I think... I almost got," He says, pure concentration all over on his face. Instead, all he got was a knot of flowers all tangled up with another with flower petals constantly falling off. Cream just giggled at the failed attempt.

"Not like that, Mr. Asher. It goes like this!" She then showed him the correct steps.

"Oh... well, points for trying?" He shrugs while smiling sheepishly.

You giggle at the situation while wearing your finished flower crown. Sure, it was flawed in a few areas like the stems sticking out and a few flower petals falling, but in your eyes, it was pretty. Suddenly, a blast of wind came out of nowhere and blew off your flower crown on your head. You thought you might be going crazy but you thought you saw a blue blur. Both you and Asher look around confusedly wondering where that gust of wind came from.

"Hey, Cream, Asher, (Y/n). What are you guys doing out here? Playing house?"

"Oh, Mr. Sonic! We were just making flower crowns. Would you like to join us?" You turn to see the blue hedgehog standing in between Cream and Asher.

"Actually, Amy thought it was a nice day, so she's holding a picnic and so she's having me go around and ask everyone if they want to join or not. You guys coming or will you decline?"

"That sounds like fun! We'll definitely be there! What time will Miss Rose hold the picnic?"

"Like, five minutes ago,"

"Oh dear, we gotta go! See you later!" Cream says as she starts flying hurriedly to her house with a napping Cheese in hand.

"Welp, there she goes... You going too, (Y/n)? Because I'll go if you're going..." Asher says as he looks to the side.

You sit and think for a minute while the guys wait in anticipation.

"Mmmmmm... Sure, I'll go. Sounds like fun." You say as a smile creeps up on your face. Both boys cheered at your answer.

"Sweet! I'll see both of you there!" Sonic says, pointing finger guns at the both of you. Sonic is then gone in a flash. Asher, on the other hand, flashed you a big wide grin.

"A picnic with my bestest friend ever! That's exciting, and also, you can introduce me to your other friends! I can't wait to meet them all!" Asher says, enthusiasm clearly sparkling in his eyes. You chuckle at his child-like demeanor even though he is possibly 17 years old. (A/N: You have no idea how old he is. Neither does he. lol) You stand up and stretch out your arms.

"Well, I better get home if I'm doing to that picnic. See you there, Asher,"


"What?" You were starting to leave when Asher called out. You turn to look at him, confused.

"M-maybe I could help put together a dish or help decide an outfit?" He looks at you with innocent and timid eyes. You sigh and smile at him.

"Ok, then. Let's go."

"Whoo-hoo!" He shouts in triumph and starts flapping his wings in excitement. You start running to your house with Asher following you. Then something weird occurred. You were already at your house.

"What the-?" Asher then arrives, out of breath.

"Geez, *wheeze* What was that? *gasp* It was like you were *pant* all of a sudden faster than normal *GASP*," Asher was breathing heavier than you realized.

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