chapter 3.

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Hi guys, I'm going to continiue writing in 1rst person from different pov's so lets goooo

Cole's pov
When I was walkin to school on that cold december day, I had the feeling of someone staring at me. Though there usualy were no other people, I turned aroud but no one was there. I didn't hear footprinds nor did I hear the leafs crack behind me, it just feld like someone was staring in my direction.

As I was arriving to school I saw Anne and Diana place there bottles of milk in the cold water.
"Hi guys, Anne are you okay, you seem pale?" I aseced with an preocupied face.
"Yes I'm doing wonderful, just a bad dream,"

We went inside the school and started the lesson.
I couldn't help but notice that Gilbert was staring at Anne, as always.

When I turned arouned I noticed Billy staring at my direction, again. I turned back to my school work until lunch started.

I went to the corner of the class room to draw until Anne,Ruby and Diana came over to me. "Good morning, Cole," said Diana, "As you might alraidy know, we have a story club, at the place where you usuale make your art," Diana continiued.  " Oh if you want me to move my-" I tried to say before being interupted by Anne. "No Cole why would you think such a fing, we love your art".
To his suprise also the petite girl Ruby spoke. "Thats why we were going to asc you if you wanted to joing our story club" she said with the sweetest voice.
"What? Yes. Ofcoure I want to joing!" I said exiting.
"Great" Anne continiued, " We'll see you saterday after lunch then" .

That afertnoon I put all I had into writing a Perfect story so that tomorrow I could show it too my friends. Hours past by and I finally fell asleep.

Saturday afternoon I got there early so that I was sure that that I wasn't late.
The first one to arrive was Diana, then Anne and last Ruby.

"Alright then, let's start," Anne said cheerfully.
"I wrote a sequel to my story from last week!" Said Diana as she took her story out of her back.

"But you killed the main cacecter! How could you be so stupid to write a sequal to a story with out a main carecter!" Ruby screemd, " I on the other hand, wrote a story of a handsome guy named Pil-bart who came back to his home town after a year of traveling for his beautifull lady who he had loved for 4 years." Ruby continiued proudly.

"Yeah and thats not at all about Gilbert " I said sarcastically, noticing Anne blushing and starring at the ground when she heard his name.

Anne's pov

Its saterday and after leaving the story club I wanted to go straight home, I dont even stop to admire the beautiful cherry tree on my way. I am determand to walk as fast as possible until I walk into a tall figure.

I look up only to see Gilbert Blythe. With his curly black hair and a smirk on his perfectly soft lips. Wait. No. Don't think like that. Wrong Anne. Very wrong.

"Hi," he said calmly "are you alright?".
"Yes." I say, not wanting to talk to him after the dream i had for 2 days in a row.

Annes dream:

"Anne"  Marilla called , " come downstairs! your late" .

I walked down to see Diana in a wedding dress. "DIANA? are you getting married??" I scream.

"No silly, I married Jerry years ago, you're the one getting married today!" Diana said and suddenly I was the one wairing the wedding dress.

It was a beatiful long white dress with little blue flowers on the bottom and big puff sleeves on my shoulders.

" And to who an I suppost to get married to?"

"To Gilbert of course" Diana said as if was normal that I would ever want to get married to Gilbert.

" What? No. I'm not marrying Gilbert. Im the bride of Advanture." When suddenly Gilbert walked into the room.

" Hello futere-Miss Blythe!" He said happily.

"I'm not going to mary you! Not today anyway."

"But you will someday?" He said joyfully.

"What! No." I said strickly

"Anne ,I thouth I told you not to lie!" Marilla said furiously.

And then I woke up.

Anne's Pov

"I'm sorry, I have to go, Marilla must be wondering were I am," I said as I walked away, him running after me.

"Let me at least walk you home?"

"Alright" I sighted

"Realy" he said suprised, "Alright, where were you anyway?"

"Well, me, Ruby, Diana and Cole have a story club, ones a week we tell echother the sory that we have written that week. Diana usualy killes all the carecters, This week she wrote an sequal of her last week story were she killed of the main carecter. Ruby on the other hand, always writes about the same stuff, Cole is new so I dont know what he will write next week, probably something nice.... sorry, Am I talking too much? If you want I could be silend?" I say nervously.

"No honestly, I like the way you talk. Please continue." He said with an bright smile on his face.

"You're the second person who ever told me that," I say as I continue talking, forgetting all the worries and just talking.

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