chapter 9

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Dianas pov
Its sunday afternoon and I'm still trying to convince my parents to let me sleepover at  Green Cables.
"But mother! You have to understant that is much more logisic if I sleep there, The walk to the trainstaiton is very long from here, if I'd sleep at green cables, it would be shorter!"

"First of all I dont have to understant anything, and second that girl has a bad influens on you. You can stay at Josie Pie's house if you'd like?" She asked as if Josie was my friend.

"Let the girl stay with her Friend Anne!" My father said from his seat, not moving his haid and his eyes not leaving the newspaper.

"Thank you, father" i said gratefully.

I packet my things and left. I was halfway there when I saw Jerry.

"JERRY!"I yelled at him. He smiled at me and walked over.

"Bonjuor Diana!" He said happy. "How are you doing today?"

"Oh I'm great! Thank you  for asking! How about you?"

"Oh I'm doing just fine but I don't have much time right now, would you like to sit on the train together tomorrow?"

Awwwwwww hes so bloody adorible with his french acsent.

"Ma oui! Of course!" I said a bit too loud. We said our goodbyes and I arrived at Green cables. The fresh january wind waving in my curly hair. I opend the gate and Annes silluote game running towarts me.

"Diana! Is that you!"

"Yes! I was wondering if I could stay the night here?" You could hear the hope in my voice of not wanting to go  back home.

"Why of course you can!"

Thank god.

We went to the barn to spill random tea, as always.

"-so what im saying is" i begun " that cole told me that  Tillie spotted Prissy with a women walking hand in hand in Charlettown"

"REALY! I'm so happy!" Anne said with an bright smile on her freckeld face, "and by the way, we schould think of a shipname for Cole and Jason"

"Yes! You're right! There so cute togheter! Maybe Jole?"
"I dont know, ooohhh Colson!"
"Yes! Its perfect! Well not as perfect as shirbert but it is what it is!"

"Diana will you stop already! I told you that I dont have a crush on him!" She said with her face turning red of anger.

"But he does have a crush on you!"

"No he doesn't!"

Haha. Genius.

Annes pov

Its sunday evening and me and diana are already laying in bed. I know that she is awake and she knows I am.

"Anne?" She suddently said, "Im going to ask you a question, and you can't think about it, you just have to anser right away, and you have to prommise to not get mad at me?

"Okay, I promise, now ask the bloody question" I said with an tired voice.

"Are you sure? Like 100% sure that you dont have  a crush on Gilbert?"

Am I? I cant be 100% sure. I mean, I kind of see him as some kind of I dont Know, protection? I can never be 100% sure. Espacially not with him.

"No. I'm not a 100% sure. Maybe 70%."  My voice was so sleepy I was sure I am about to fall asleep.

But then Diana spoke.
"Yet theres still that 30%"

Although I couldnt see her in the dark, I could almost feel a smile on her face.

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