chapter 6

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Its still wendsday.
Lunch is over and were almost finished school. I could hear the children leaving there school house early, becouse its wendsday. We get to leave early only on Friday, but those lucky little bastarts get lo leave ealy on wendsday too.

This is stupid. This lesson is stupid. Were reading the SAME chapter as yesterday and the day before. It will be 2 weeks and Mr Phillips is gone. Just 2 simple weeks.

I look outside the window and see those lucky little bastards leave.
They look so happy and peacefull. As if there were no worries in the world, as if everything magicaly will be alright, as if nothing could ever go wrong.

My thoughts drive off to my good days of my childhood. The days were I went to school.
It was nice, but I didn't get to go home early nor wendsday nor friday. Life is better now.

Exept ofcourse for today.
Oh yes, today was not one of my good days. It's a day that people would realy realy would not like to have. But jet again here I am.

I was still looking oudside when Diana handed me a note:

Dont look but the love of your life is staring at you

Mental note: Diana I hate you.

Ohh I have a VERY inteligent idea, as always. I look a little pice of paper and a pensil and begane to write:

Oh my! I didn't know books could stare at me! I stare at them all the time! This is amazing! Thank you diana!

Wow! Im bloody hilarius. Ruby would have done it better but, you know, we cant all be comidians. Okay this is perfect.

I hand diana the note and she looked annoyed wile laughing at the same time. She rolled her eyes and begane to write an other note. She handed it to me and my jaw dropped.
She. Did. Not.

I dont think Gilbert will like the nickname "book", how about "adventure". 

Mental note: remembre to kill Diana.

Okay Anne. What would Ruby write. Probably something like

As If! 3 people are going to propose to me before gilbert or Tell me something I dont know.

(A/n hi I want ruby to be HILARIOUS so be prapaired. Yes lets go.)

Okay Ruby's no help.
I took a piece of paper and decited to write:

I am. No longer. The bride of adventure.

I handed the note and Diana started grinning. Writing me a note back

Good! Now you can marry Gilbert

Mental note: prapare Diana's funeral.

I looked at the paper one more time and riped it in half.

No diana we DONT ship random people when Gilbert should offiously be with Ruby.

Oh my dear bossom friend you're so stupid to ship me with that boy. Such a fool.

Prepare your last words and I'll prepare your funeral

I hand here the note and smile proudly at my self.
Ruby would be proud at me. Yes I'm very funny today. Very good Anne very good.

"Okay class, that would be it for today." Mr philips voice eco's thru the class.

No. Please let it not be over.
Okay it's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay. Am I? Yes Im going to be okay?

I go to the coat room and take my hat and coat as I leave with Cole And Diana.

"Okay so," cole starts off, talking with his hands and spilling the tea dramaticly,
"Jane told me that Prissy has left the house to go tho charlettetown," Prissy is Janes older Sister who gradueted last year. She was going to college until her parents decited to let her become a house wife.
" And the rumor is, that she has found love. But not love like the averige. But like Aunt Josefine and me."

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