chapter 4.

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Gilberts pov:
I retuned home from my walk with Anne happily, not only did I walk her home without her protesting , but I could also listent to her voice talking on and on about nothing important.

I opend the door and bash came running towarts me,
"hello my brother! How's you're life going today?"

"Great! Realy great!" I said with an big smile on my face.

"Where are the groceries? You were supposed to go to the town to fetch some groceries! I can't eat patatoes any longer!"

"I'm so sorry Bash! I walked into someone on the way,"  I said nervously, facing the ground wile having a hand on my head.

"Ahhh I see, the pretty boy was with his Anne, ooohhhhh"

"I was not!" I said nervously

"With who were you then?"

"Charly. Charly Sloan." I said

"You were with Anneeeeeee"

"Shut up"

"So you expect me to sit all day waiting for you and then NOT tell me that you were with Anne"

"Alright alright, I walked into her on my way and walked her home, that's all"

"Yes I knew you were with Anne"

"Can you shut up already?"

"Never" he said smiling and dancing  "you're in love with Anne ooohhh little gilberts in love with anne ooohh-"

Then I heard a knok on the door.
"I'll get it" I said reliefed.

When I opened the door I saw marilla, "good evening Gilbert, and Sabastian-"
So anne told Marilla that bash was staying with me?
"-Anne told me that you were back so I came to asc if you would like to joing us for dinner sometimes, ofcourse with Sabastian as well?"

So Anne talked about me? Nice.

"Yes we'll love to come to dinner sometimes" I say a bit too happy.

"Alright, I'll tell Anne that"
And she walked away.

She'll tell Anne. Anne asced her to invite me. She wants me to be there.

"Who was that?" Bash asced.

"Marilla, Anne's adopted mother, she invited us to dinner sometimes" I said trying to hide my smile .

"So Anne talked about you! I was right!  Little gilbert is in loveeeee with beautiful anneeee . And beautiful annneeeeee is in love with little boy gilbert!"

"She's not in love with me." I said blushing A LOT

"Really? Then why has she asced her mother to invite us to dinner?"

"I'm sure she was just being nice"

"Ohhhhhh Little Gilbert is in loveeeeeeee with beautiful anneeeee....." and he continued singing

Diana's pov

"Mother? Can I see Anne today? Seen as it's Sunday?" I aseced hopefully.
Mother barely let me see Anne.
"Why dont you go see Ruby instead?"
"Becouse I saw her a few days ago"
"Alright then, you can see Anne".

And so I took my had and coat and left.
I walked fastly, wanting to run but Mother said Lady's don't run.

I arrived at green gables passing Jerry
"Bonjour Diana!"
"Ma bonjour Jerry!" I said a little too happy.

Once I arrived Anne opend the door, "Good morning Diana, isn't it just a wonderfull morning today?"

"Indeed It is, miss Blyte"


"Nothing Nothing dont wurry about it"

We went to the barn to spill some random tea when suddently she asked me
"Diana, why does Jerry ask about you so much?"

"He does?" And a smile appeared on my face.

"Yeah, he gave me a book and tolled me to gife it to you"

"Wait! He did? Well where's the book now?"

"On my desk"
So we left the barn and got into her room. Anne handed me the book, little women, but I noticed an Red apple on her desk. The only pure red apples in Avonlea grew on The Blythes Apple Garden so it was quite strange for her to possess an apple so red.

"Anne? Is that Apple from the Blythes Apple Garden?" I asked curiously.
"What? Oh yeah, Gilbert gave it to me when he walked me home 3 days ago."


"He walked me home and gave me an apple" she said wile her voice was softer then usual.

"Anne?" I asced her directly
"Yes my dear friend"
"Gilbert has a crush on you. He NEVER gafe anyone an apple from there, he only sold them on the market with his dad becouse his parends got totheter when his father gafe his mother an Apple from THAT garden. I remember a few years ago he told the class that he would give an apple to the girl he wanted to marry"

Anne stood there in shock.
"I'm sure it was just an friendly apple" she tried to make of it.
"What exacly did he say when he handed it to you?"

Anne tried to remember when suddenly her face lookt shocked:
"He told me that he walked past his family's apple garden and that he brought me one too. See Diana, he was only being nice."
"Then why didn't you eat it?"
"Becouse I wasn't hungry, so he told me to save it for later if I wanted too"

"I hate to tell you this but you're totaly cleuless miss Blythe"


Then I heared Marilla come into the room,
"Hi girls. Anne, could you ask Gilbert if Wendsday would be altright for him and Sabastian to come to dinner?"

"Ofcourse Marilla" said Anne and marilla left.
"What was that about?"

"Oh nothing. Gilbert told me that his friend Sabastian was staying with him and I told Marilla he was back so she invited them to dinner"

"Whatever you say"

And we retuned to spilling random tea.

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