chapter 10

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Anne's pov

"Cole! Are you ready!" I knock on the boys room with Ruby,Diana and Jane (who has practacly become part of the group) standing after me.
I was wairing Diana's Green dress, wile the rest of us were wairing dresses in the same model but in different colours.

"Comming!" The voice of the blond haired boy called as he opend the door.

"Finaly!" Ruby sighted.
He joined us and we made our way towarts the stairs.

The other boys were already downstairs, we were supposed to walk togheter but Cole was late.

"Cole, why were you so late anyway?" Jane said facing Cole.

"I had to make this" he took a paper out of the pocets of his pants and gave it to her without showing us. Ones she saw the paper she giggled and passed it to ruby.

"YES! Cole, how come I didn't think of this! Do they know?" She said as she lowerd her voice.

"Of course they know!"

"Know what?" I stuttert and Ruby handed me the paper.
Diana looked at it from over my sholder and giggeld.
It was an table set up.

At least I'm close to Cole and Diana

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At least I'm close to Cole and Diana. I guess?

Mental note: Never let cole make the table set up ever again. NEVER.

What was the problem? What was the problem? I dont know. What if cole makes an ship joke and Gilbert hears it. No no no no. Impossible. He couldn't. Could he?

"I see you're also VERY happy with the set up,Anne" Cole said in a brittish acsent.

"Cole! Why did you put us on the same table as Josie and Tillie and.. well.. the other boys!" I said in confuseon.

"If you're asking why I pua t you next to gilbert, the anser is simple, he is in love with you and I'm trying to help him!"

A/n coles just speaking facts

"But I hate him! I really hate him, so mush I think this must be-"

"-TRUE LOVE, ANNE TRUE LOVE!" he finished my sentence and Ruby bursted into laughter.

"-the biggest hate I have ever felt in my life" i said dry.

He rolled his eyes and wispert something to Diana, she giggeld. I honestly don't care what he said anyway, if I had to keep up all his tea, I would probably die.

When we arrived at the dinning hall we were the last ones to be there. To my suprise everyone at our table was already in Cole's set up. I took my seat (unfortenatly next to gilbert) and turned to face Cole and Diana.

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