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As I sit down
to meditate upon life/
I am constantly bombarded
by an army of thougths/
I am being surrounded
from all possible sides & corners/
by the unforgettable
regrets of a long gone past

I don't want
to react to them/
But it's a feeling
I can't resist/
I can't do much
but see them butcher/
all my relentless
efforts to be still

These currents of thougths
are too strong for me/
but I don't have an anchor
to hold myself down/
and the more I try to
wrestle against them/
the more I am displaced
from my ground

it's about time I realize
& face a truth I've always denied/
that the state of penance
isn't just about being sorry

because when pictures flash
in front of my eyes/
from all the events I've ever lived/
the endless guilt they produce/
is too heavy to carry

I am trying to distinguish
between what's good & what's bad/
discarding any narratives
based on mere assumptions/
I had a hunch I'd be dragged
way back into madness/
& yet I couldn't take no precautions

It's a never ending
struggle to get rid off/
all the negativity
that sucks my soul/
but I am hoping
to locate an exit point/
where I may find some light/
at the end of this torturous road

Silence is what
I am looking for/
& peace is what I need/
but the pessimist in me
needs to be killed/
before I get my hands on these

& so I am moving inwards
as much as possible/
cutting off any possible
contact with what is external/
to seek some solace
within my own cave/
& to break free from realities/
that are nothing but delusional

Introspection : A Battle WithinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt