24. Right Love

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"What the fcuk were you even thinking!!" Tony screamed as he drove, keeping his eyes on the road.

Steve could only groan in pain as he rested his head on the window of the car. His hand bled so much that the towel wrapped around his hand was starting to blot with blood.

"How in the world you even got hired!" Tony spoke frustratingly but got no response from Steve. He turned his head, only to find Steve passed out.

"No-no-no!" Tony now panicked, "You cannot pass out. Stay with me, you dumb@ss!" He lightly pushed Steve to no avail. Steve was losing blood and was now unconscious, Tony smacked the steering wheel in frustration.

Tony had no option but to drive fast. Soon they were in the hospital and Steve was taken to the surgical ward. Although it was a minor one and was to last an hour or so, Tony was stressed.

He waited.

"The nail has been removed, he can leave in another hour," Doctor informed Tony with a smile, "He is sedated for the pain, but you can see him."

Tony politely smiled back and the moment the doctor left, he entered Steve's room.

Steve looked relaxed, in sleep, though he was not. Tony walked near his bed. His hand was bandaged.

"Was this a part of your grand two-day plan, Mr Bodyguard?" Tony quietly spoke as he sat on the stool kept close to Steve's bed.

Steve slowly opened his eyes and the moment he could see the foggy frame of Tony, he smiled.

Tony heaved a sigh of relief. Steve's smile made Tony smile too.

"You are dumb!" Tony spoke.

"You are beautiful!" Steve slurred with a low voice, making Tony lose his smile.

No matter how badly Tony wanted Steve to vanish from his life, no matter how hard he tried to keep Steve away, something about his bodyguard made Tony feel different.

"It hurts?" Tony tried to diverge from the topic but that innocent smile of Steve, the way he kept looking at Tony, made him nervous.

"I like you. I like you very much. I had so many plans for these two days..." Steve slurred; his words surprised Tony. Steve's struggle to speak was clearly visible in his groggy voice, he continued, "Oh, no, it does not hurt..."

"Plans? What Plans?" Tony was now interested; he dragged his chair closer to the bed.

"I wanted to live my entire life in these two days. But... Ow!" He tried raising his injured hand. "What was that thing? Why do you have such a weapon in your house?"

Steve's word made Tony chuckle. He wanted to deny, but he was enjoying it.

"You know Tony, you are special." Steve touched Tony's face with his other hand, surprising him. "Your face... drenched in water the first time I saw it..."

Steve giggled while lightly caressing Tony's face with his fingers.

Then Steve gestured him to lean in closer. Tony hesitantly leaned in, taking his ear closer to Steve's lips, anticipating Steve to say something controversial, something that he didn't want to say out loud.

And felt Steve's soft lip touching his cheek. Tony quickly turned his head in surprise, only to have his lips unexpectedly attacked. Steve softly kissed Tony's lips and then smiled into the kiss.

The kiss was brief but somewhere deep inside, something in Tony Stark wanted more of that sweet gesture.

"Yes, I'm dumb. I'm an idiot, but I would love you right and there's nothing that I wouldn't do to see you happy... to see that sweet smile on your face..." Steve drunkenly spoke, almost gibberish.

Tony forgot to breathe, Steve's words entranced him.

Tony couldn't smile anymore.

"Right love? What does he mean by right love?" Tony thought to himself as he sat on the hospital bench.

After an hour, when he thought the effect of the medicines would wear off he went into the room. He was glad to see Steve sitting, his face serious, meaning he was okay, better.

"Hut, hut, hut, soldier!" Tony spoke.

"I'm sorry?!" Steve spoke, looking embarrassed as he stood holding his hand.

Tony smirked.

"It wasn't okay, but we can let it pass. C'mon now, we have... One and a half days."

His words made Steve look up. His eyes gleamed and a wide smile spread across his face.


"You like it?" John asked.

"I love it!" Mary's happiness was in her voice as she looked at her reflection in the mirror while the grand diamond studded neckpiece twinkled around her neck.

John looked at both of their reflection in the mirror.

"I love you!" Mary mouthed, as her eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall.

John smiled back, acknowledging her unspoken words.

"I'll get this packed."

"Sir, your rings..." And the man on the counter placed two platinum bands in front of him.

John quickly looked at Mary standing at a distance and then back at the rings.

He picked them up and silently admired the beautiful pair of rings.

"That'll be all, Sir?" The man asked politely with a soft French accent.

John nodded.

His eyes remained on the pair of rings, kept on the glass counter until it was removed.

Hello people. I cannot even tell you how happy it makes me when you people comment. I do not reply on your comments, because I think that way I sort of bother you people?! Tell me if I can revert to your comments. Lots of love and gratitude!

Comment, vote, let me know!

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