27. Wrong Timing

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And very carefully Steve cracked the egg into the hot pan, instantly making it sizzle. He then went to the coffee machine.

"John will come tomorrow..." Tony's voice was sad.

His words made Steve stop. His hand holding the hot mug of coffee was almost frozen while his brain had stopped working.

"So, you sad about it?" Steve turned and placed the mug in front of Tony.

"I'm... I don't know... I don't know what I'm doing..." Tony hid his entire face in his palms in annoyance, and his action made Steve smile.

"Hey, beautiful..." Steve went ahead and enveloped Tony entirely in a hug while Tony still had his face in his palms.

Steve smiled and looked down at the shorter man. Tony removed his palms to look up at Steve while still being trapped within the hug.

"I'm screwed!" Tony whined and again hid his face in his palm.

This made Steve chuckle. He leaned in and kissed the backside of Tony's palms.

"You are the most adorable thing I have ever seen!"

"Now will you remove your arms, so I can breathe properly?!" Tony's muffled voice appeared from behind the palms.

Steve let out another chuckle and let Tony go.

"I cannot believe I'm cheating..." Tony took a sip from his coffee, "Mmm, you make really good coffee."

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands cupping cheeks and a pair of warm lips on his lips.

He did not get a chance to react but soon he could feel his lips moving in sync with Steve's lips. His hands subconsciously reached Steve's neck, his hair while licking and sucking the lips softly. Steve too seemed lost in the kiss, cupping the shorter man's cheek.

After a while Steve parted from the kiss, leaving Tony wanting for more. Tony touched his lips, he could still feel the warmth of Steve's lips on them.

"You... Why do you feel right?" Tony asked, his voice full of confusion.

Steve tilt Tony's chin up, looking deep into his honey brown eyes.

"What is it?" Tony asked as he saw Steve just looking at his face, and then slowly he noticed Steve's face getting sad

"I want to live the rest of my life with you, Tony."

Tony knew Steve was serious. His words worried Tony.

"We still have today..." Tony spoke, trying his best to lighten up the situation.

Steve forced a smile, getting sadder on realising that he was left with only a few hours with Tony.

"Want to go to the lab?" Steve's word surprised Tony.

"Not if you are going to hurt yourself again..." Tony teased while taking a sip of his coffee.

Steve looked at his injured hand and subconsciously smiled. Tony was funny, he thought.

This time Tony gave Steve a proper tour of his lab. He turned dummy on, showed him all his inventions. Steve looked at Tony's face, how happy he looked when talking about inventing, about maths, about everything that was a part of his old life. Silently Steve was proud of everything that Tony showed him.

"And this is a nailgun..."

Steve looked at the thing nervously, "Please, keep it away from me..." He held his injured hand with the other hand, suddenly recalling the painful accident.

On this, Tony laughed but then stopped when saw Steve looking at him intently.

Both looked at each other, sadness shadowing their faces.

"Like I never existed," Steve spoke, his voice almost breaking.

"Like you never existed," Tony repeated, not liking the sound of it.

And Tony's feet instinctively walked closer to Steve. It seemed like both would burst right there. It did not take Tony another second to hug Steve. It was quite unexpected for Steve but even then, he could not stop his arms from hugging Tony back.

"I hate you so much, Steve. Why did you have to come now and not earlier? I feel so bad that you make me happy when it should be John," Tony looked up at Steve.

Steve had nothing to say. Both knew how wrong their timing was.

"Mind if I cut in?"

That voice made both separate from the hug and their eyes bloated. Dr John Watson stood there, his jacket hung on his shoulders, his stick in his hand, and that smirk on his lips, yes, it was him.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Hope you enjoy this quick chapter. Comment, Vote, Let me Know!

War of Faiths (Stony/Tony Stark/Steve Rogers FF) #completedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt