• P U N I S H M E N T • ✈️ •

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I have based this story off of just having a father do feel free to change it depending on your circumstances :)))

2nd person p.o.v

For the past week you and Ondreaz have been staying at your dads house. It was the first time that Ondre had met your father and to say that he was nervous was an understatement.

On the first day Ondreaz was extremely restless, on the journey over he had his AirPods in on full volume, drumming his fingers against his knees. However, every time the car would stop at a light he would start shuffling about and bouncing his leg before you'd say something along the lines of, "hey we're nowhere near yet, calm down." As soon as you'd say this you would place your hand over the top of one of his, he would close his eyes and let out a little sigh.

When you were around twenty minutes away you pulled into a lay-by and quickly text your dad telling him you wouldn't be long. This caused Ondreaz's anxiety to spike, he took out his AirPods and began to fuss over his hair in the mirror attached to the sun visor. "Do you think he'll like me?" He questioned as he stared out the window at the dull place you called home. "I think he will, what isn't there to like?" You replied attempting to give him a bit of reassurance.

As you pulled into your estate you grabbed Ondre's hand, "no matter what he thinks I'll always love you okay?" He didn't reply, just gently placed a delicate kiss on the dorsal side of your hand. This was definitely the quietest he had been since you had started dating. As you pulled up to the front of the house onto the drive, Ondre reorganised his chains on his neck untucking and tucking certain ones even though he looked perfectly fine he believed he needed to be more than 'perfectly fine'. "Come on let's go!" You said cheerily as you hadn't seen your dad in two months. You knocked on the door of your childhood home giving Ondreaz one last comforting smile.

The door opened abruptly to reveal your dad, dressed in a casual T-shirt and jeans with a freshly trimmed beard and haircut, obviously wanting to make a good impression for Ondreaz too. "Finally you're here, I've missed you so much!" He said engulfing you into a hug, as you pulled away he peered around and spotted Ondreaz stood behind you. "Hiya mate, you must be Ondreaz, I'm y/f/n it's so good to finally meet you." He said warningly, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too sir," he replied quietly, still extremely nervous at the 6ft 3, heavily tattooed man that stood in front of him.  Your dad smiled to himself, "Come in." As soon as you stepped in you were greeted by the mouth watering smell of your dads cooking.

Over the week Ondreaz loosened up him and your dad got on so well, although your father would never admit it. However, on the third night into your stay Ondreaz was beginning to push his luck.

After a long day of strolling around shopping centres and meeting up with your dads partner, you decided to go for a meal at a fancy little restaurant about half an hour from the house. Your dad wore a black oversized y-3 sweatshirt with black jeans and a pair of original timberlands, his partner wore purple dress with a pair of heels that matched the colour of her nails. Ondreaz wore a pair of ripped jeans a yellow button up shirt, which he left the top three buttons undone and tucked in the front and a pair of white af1's . You wore a short black denim skirt and a burgundy body suit also with a pair of white af1's to match with Dre.

As you walked into the restaurant you's were directed over to a table in the far corner which was lit up by vintage light bulbs dangling from the ceiling and a candle glowing softly. You and Ondre chose to sit on the booth seats and your dad and his partner took the bench seats opposite the two of you. Whilst you were looking through the menu you felt a warm hand be placed on your knee, you slapped his hand away and looked at him sternly. He just smirked as he kept looking down at the menu. He carried this on throughout the meal gradually placing his hand higher and higher in which your respond the same way by pushing his hand off or lightly kicking him under the table. You really didn't want your dad to notice, on the way home you and Dre were sat in the back and he carried on with the same business.

On the drive home you had made a collective decision to all have a movie night as it was only eight o'clock so you could fit a couple in. As soon as you arrived yourself and Ondre raced upstairs to get change, however as you got in the room you quickly turned around and shut the door. "Wtf are you playing at Lopez?!" You questioned in a hushed tone not wanting anyone to hear, "N-n-nothing." He stuttered out, amazed by your reaction, it was rare for you to address him by his last name. "You know we can't do anything here so trust me when we get back home, you're getting it okay?" He quickly nodded running his hands through his fluffy hair. As the two of you got changed you could clearly tell that what you had said to Ondre had made an affect on him. Whenever he was turned on he would become so quiet and closed off it was odd, normally he would be singing and dancing but no. Once he had put on some light grey shorts and a washed out Metallica T-shirt, he scraped his hair up into a bun. "Let's go!" You said as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek, which caused him blush. As you rushed down the stairs and into the living room your dad and his partner had arranged popcorn, nachos and sweets on the coffee table which sat perfectly in the middle of the two sofas. You grabbed a fluffy blanket from the basket and handed it to your dad and grabbed another for yourself and Dre.

Throughout the movie Ondre kept shuffling about and trying to get comfortable but he just couldn't no matter how he layed. "You alright there baba?" You asked, "mhm." You know for certain what you said had made him act like this. See Ondreaz was a sucker for you being dominant and the thought of you punishing him has been on his mind since you got back, but he'd have to wait till you got home to California.

*a few days later*

As soon as you left your dads house, his games started again, him trailing his hand down your thigh. At one point you roughly grabbed his wrist and he let out a soft moan, which caused him to stop from embarrassment. "Wow, didn't know I could do that," you said amused with yourself.

Once you reached the house Ondreaz looked at you with innocent eyes, "upstairs now, I want you waiting on the bed, patiently." You said being as assertive as possible. You waited in the car for five minutes but you took your time to get out your bags and place them in the entrance hall of the house, then you checked all of the rooms downstairs to make sure nothing had been disrupted whilst you were away, because you knew that Ondre wouldn't have checked.

As you walked up the staircase, taking your time, you heard a soft groan come from your bedroom. There was a slight gap in the bedroom door which you glanced through, the sight made your mouth fall open. Dre was sat on the bed, his back resting against the head board as he palmed himself through his boxers. "Um did I say you could do that?" You interrogated as you pushed the door to and pulled off your top to reveal a red lace bra. "No but you were taking so long and it was hurti-" you cut him off by grabbing the belt from his jeans which he had removed and took his hands, you pushed them above his head and tied them to the head board. "You ready?" He nodded with anticipation.

*time skipppp*

After you and Ondreaz had finished, and he had calmed down you ran a warm bath and filled it with bubble bath. The two of you jumped in and he sat behind you, he kept placing sweet kisses on the back of your neck. When you had finished you climbed out and got him a towel and handed it to him, "fucking hell there are so many!" He exclaimed tracing over the hickeys which accompanied his v line. You giggled.

You got changed and jumped into bed, switching on the tv and were joined by Ondreaz a few minutes later after he had finished faffing about over choosing a pair of joggers/sweats. He rested his head on your chest, "are you okay baba?" "Yeah I'm great, just a bit tired" he replied, nuzzling closer to you. Your hand gently traced his tattoos as he slowly dozed off. "Can I ask you something?" He pondered randomly after a few minutes of silence. "Of course you can," "do you think your dad approved of me because I'm not sure if he liked me or not, he was a really nice guy, he was scary to begin with then he just seemed like a giant softie, I just hope I made a good impression," he rushed. "Yes Ondre he loved you, he thought you were the nicest guy he's ever met." You say placing a kiss on the crown of his head. He mumbled something in response but you couldn't hear, "just go to sleep I know you're tired." Not long after you also fell asleep.

Word count: 1705 words

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