• S E N S O R Y O V E R L O A D • 🚁 •

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Tony has been locked away in his and Ondre's shared room all day. He hasn't answered the phone or spoken to anyone either. See Tony suffers from sensory processing disorder, which he was diagnosed with in kindergarten. This meant that he was extremely clumsy and struggled with spacial awareness and obviously had certain aversions to items which affected his senses.

As Tony grew older he started to understand the disorder more and more. And he knew when it was at it's worse. See he had figured out that it was at its peak when he was either stressed or tired, so he always made sure to sleep at least eight hours a night and if he felt tired during the day he would nap. In addition to that Tony also tried to keep as stress free as possible, but sometimes it doesn't always work.

Today had probably been one of the worst days possible for Tony, after you being there for 3 weeks straight you went back home to your parents, which he didn't adjust well too. Also he promised Ondre that he would edit the YouTube video that was supposed to be up that evening and too top it all off him and Ondre got into an argument the previous night, which they didn't get over, so he didn't sleep in their room. As much as you think it would be a hassle having to share a room, Tony and Ondreaz enjoyed it as they always had each other's company and Ondreaz could keep an eye on Tony.

As soon as you had woken up you texted Tony, all you put was a little good morning and a few kisses at the end. Once you finished getting ready you noticed he still hasn't replied but just shrugged it off. You got home from running a few errands and checked you phone still no reply so you phoned him and there was no answer. Odd.

Little did you know that tony was sat at the desk in his room the screen full brightness, the curtains drawn, the sound loud. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a tight hoodie which made him uncomfortable. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't focus on the video, he watched the clock slowly tick closer to the time of upload. This made him even more stressed. He decided to import the files from the desktop to his laptop and edit in bed hoping he would be able to concentrate.

You phoned Tony again and again and still no answer or text, normally he would answer a text straight away. He was never not near his phone. But once again you brushed it off knowing that maybe he was sleeping or just busy doing something.

Although he had moved into his bed with his laptop he wasn't concentrating any better in fact it was probably worse. Ondreaz quickly burst into the room, not acknowledging Tony at all, and walked to the bathroom. Tony ripped off the headphones for a second and threw them next to him along with the laptop, he shrunk down into the bed and pulled a pillow into his side and gently shut his eyes.

You began to grow worried about Tony. He hasn't answered his phone or posted anything either, you decided to phone him once again. You weren't surprised when he didn't answer, maybe i have done something wrong? what if he doesn't want me anymore? you thought.

The vibration of Tony's phone woke him up, he wasn't asleep long but when he checked his watch he noticed he had 5 minutes before the video needs to go live. He put on his headphones and continued editing, eyes darting to the clock on the top right hand side of the screen. His phone kept on vibrating which began to make his skin itch, he knew he didn't have time to silence it or check it, otherwise the video wouldn't be ready.

The room gradually grew darker as it got later, it was now 20 minutes past the time Tony promised Ondre that the video would be finished but it was far from. He started to stress, he knew that Ondreaz was already angry at him as he hadn't apologised from last night, he once again took of his headphones. He could feel an uncomfortable pressure building in his head, he knew this wasn't going to end well. He pulled off his hoodie and slipped out of his jeans and placed on some shorts, to attempt to cool him down but it didn't work.

You kept ringing Tony but there was still no reply or answer, checking all of his socials incase he had posted but nothing was to be seen. Nothing. You finally decided to ring Ondreaz. After the second ring he picked up. Phew. "Hey Ondreaz is everyth-" you were cut off by ondre, "I'm going to need to call you back in a bit," he said sounding rushed. "Oh okay," before you could end the call you heard Ondreaz softly say, "it okay everything's fine, don't worry I'm not angry," before you could end the call he did.

Once Tony sat back down on his bed he scurried to the head of his bed and placed his back against the corner of the wall. He heard quick footsteps up the stairs which he recognised were Ondre's, his skin began to itch once again as his phone vibrates against his bed, as the door burst open a flash of light from the hallway hit his eyes. "TONY WHY IS THE VIDEO LATE!? YOU PROMISED IT WOULD BE DONE I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Ondre exclaimed, slamming the door so nobody downstairs could hear. "Sorry, I woke up late and I couldn't concentrate I," he attempted to explain, his skin began to itch like spiders were crawling on him. His head beginning to ache even more. "NO DOESN'T JUSTIFY ANYTHING, YOU PROMISED, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PROMISING MEANS YOU SWEAR BY IT!" Ondre's face became red as he got more and more angry with Tony.

Tony just nodded as he pulled his knees up to his chest, he wrapped his hands around his ears and started to rock back and fourth. "I'm sorry please stop shouting it's so loud," he muttered over and over again. Ondreaz quickly noticed what was going on, he automatically felt incredibly guilty for putting so much stress on his younger brother. "Hey I'm sorry too bro, come on let's get you some where safe yeah?" He said offering his hand out to Tony, which he nervously held onto. He knew that Tony would usually want to go to chases bathroom as it was spacious and there wasn't many objects which could trigger him, but the light in the hallway was so bright he knew it would make it worse, so he lead him out onto the balcony. (Yes I know they don't have a balcony in their room but just go with it :)).

The balcony was only about 6 metres from Tony's bed but it felt like it took forever to get there, Tony held onto Ondre's hand as he trailed behind him like a little kid. Ondre got Tony to sit on the tiled wall, he got him a water bottle from their room and gave it to him. He felt his phone ring in his pocket, he looked at it, once he saw your name he looked at Tony with sympathy. His younger brother still rocking back and fourth lightly and itching at his skin. "Hey Ondreaz is everyth-" he cut you off, "I'm going to need to call you back in a bit," he said as Tony started to mutter quiet sorrys to himself and that he didn't mean to make him angry. "It's okay everything's fine, Don't worry I'm not angry." Oh shit he looked at his phone and noticed the call was still on. Once he ended it he returned his attention to Tony who had started to calm down, Ondreaz just kept talking to him in a whisper as he sipped his water.

"I'm sorry Ondre I know I shouldn't be making excuses but I just couldn't concentrate on the video and I'm just tired, please don't be angry." He pleaded to his brother who was sat on the counter aswell, "it's okay Tony, I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'll edit the video and trust me I could never be angry at you for long." He replied smiling, Tony jumped off the wall and walked back into the room and grabbed his phone, that's when he noticed he has 36 missed calls from you.

For the rest of the night the two of you FaceTimed, until Tony eventually fell asleep.

Word count: 1467 words

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