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Jungkook P.O.V

I replayed the moment Taehyung and I had yesterday on repeat. Us dancing in a magicly lit room, swaying to the beat of our own drum. Suddenly, we stop in attempts to not hit an object. When I looked up, we were so close. Him holding me. And suddenly, he kissed me. I wish I could re-live the moment. I woke up early today and it's all I could think about. Will Taehyung kiss me again? Will he ask me out? I'm so excited yet nervous.

Hoseok woke up how he normally does, by that alarm clock. He noticed me awake already and shot me a confused look before getting up to complete his morning routine. I decided to get ready as well, dressing in a fluffy pink sweater with light jeans. I casted the usual hygiene spell and got my bag together, Hoseok doing the same. We completed our normal morning scedule, him bringing me food and then sneaking out the door.

I started walking along the familiar sidewalk path, clinging onto my founder's arm. Hoseok chuckled at this, ruffling my hair. Eventually Yoongi caught up and I had to let go of Hoseok, a frown evident on my features. I hid it well though, so the couple could be themselves without worrying about me.

Usually Taehyung would show up by now, but he hasnt. I had to walk the whole way to school hearing the constant flirtatious comments and remarks from the Sope couple. I felt my heart sink seeing Taehyung inside school already with a girl latched on him. She was taller then me with dark brown hair running to her lower back and perfect curves. I huffed at the situation.

Hoseok noticed me and what I was staring at. He sighed, leaving Yoongi to pat my shoulder, "Probably just some obsessive fan, nothing to worry about. I assure you Taehyung is 1000% gay." I nodded sadly, wanting Taehyung's attention. I ran over to Win who was across the school yard. I hug him tightly, hiding my face in the crook of his neck and trying to compose myself. I cry easily and its embarrassing, I definitely dont want anyone here to see. He wrapped his arms around me confused but knew I liked hugs regardless.

"Did something happen?" Win asked, knowing there was a reason for this and just reading my aura in general. I nodded sadly, leaving his embrace. I notice my cousin was by himself this time instead of Minjae with him. "Where is your founder?" I ask, worried for Win who was here alone. "He had some things to take care of before school starts."

"Oh...ok," I let out, fiddling with my fingers. "Are you alright?" He questions again, seeing my uneasy look. This whole thing is probably nothing and I  shouldn't be sad. "Yea I'm ok." I repsond, managing to put up a smile. But oh how things would change.

Author P.O.V

When Jungkook left to his locker after the bell rang, Taehyung still didnt come see him. The pixie grew confused but brushed it off, heading to language.

Once that class was over it was break, then gym. Hoseok didnt walk Jungkook this time because he went to see Yoongi. The fairy didnt mind, he should be safe for a short distance to walk. Upon seeing Taehyung and Namjoon talking, the fairy smiled, thinking this was the perfect opportunity to talk with Taehyung.

Let's be honest, Jungkook is a shy and soft pixie who can never make the first move. Jungkook was going to start the conversation but hoped Taehyung would bring up their kiss and maybe ask him out. Could be Jungkook was digging too far in what happened between them yesterday. You cant blame him though, the only love left in Jungkook's heart belonged to Taehyung.

"Hey Kookie!" Namjoon greeted, waving to Jungkook. The younger smiled, waving back and standing by them. "Oh? Hey Tae!" Jungkook acted like he didnt see the light brunette, but knew he was there all along. "How are you?" Jungkook asked timidly, but never got a response. Taehyung rolled his eyes, glaring at Jungkook before walking away.

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