2. One Sided Love

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Lena has felt a lot of pain in her life. Some things bring more than others. Betrayal being one of the worst.

You wasn't betrayal. But it hurt. God, it hurt.

She and Kara had been friends for quite some time. They had, had their rough spots, like when Kara revealed her identity, and they didn't speak for weeks, or when she had no idea why Kara had no time for her. But in the end, they always had time for each other.

Throughout this time, she had to deal with a few of Kara's love interests.

The weird reporter William.

Mon-el or as she knew him as in the beginning Mike.

And now Imra.

Yes, Mon-el's ex-wife.

She had come back around four months ago now for a mission, and Kara and her grew closer at quite a rapid speed, not having Mon-el interrupting their bonding.

Imra had decided to stay after a couple of weeks, for at-least a couple of years, as she wanted to know more about the generation. But when she stayed, it left open even more room for her and Kara to spend together.

It was now their two-month anniversary. Two months since they announced they were dating. Two months since Lena realized her 'stupid crush' on the blonde was more. Two months since Lena lost full hope.

Lena was working at the DEO for an antidote she was supposed to be working on, as she was told by Alex.

But she couldn't rip her eyes away from beside the window, where Kara had her arms rapped around Imra's body, kissing her neck. The sight made Lena's heart burn with jealousy, but she couldn't stop herself from looking at the sight.

She knew it was a special day for the two, and that it was an excuse for them to be touchy. But every time she saw them, she saw herself as the one who Kara had her arms rapped around. She saw Kara kissing her neck. She saw Kara kissing her lips.

But she wasn't with her.

She was with Imra.

Lena missed the days, her and Kara had 'lunch' dates. She missed when they would walk down the streets at night just to admire the view and spend time with each other.

Imra was a nice girl. Kara talked about her quite often.

Kara talked to her about her accent, her hair, she spoke passionately about her. She told her some of Imra's habits, and every time she said her name, it brought a smile to Kara's face.

Lena was happy for them of course.

She just wished she was the one who made Kara smile.

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