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*Today is wesley's first last day of school but he never lets his day get started until after he completes his daily writing. Wesley is at home in his room writing about Sylvia in one of his journal's which are full with writings about her.*


It's been so long since I've last seen Sylvia's beautiful face. I haven't seen her since we were in the fourth grade. We've been friends for years but fourth grade was my very last time seeing her. She moved away and I never got to see or hear from her ever again. I'm 18 years old now and I'm now a senior in high school. It just hurts that we couldn't be there for each other when we were celebrating different things we've accomplished,we couldn't celebrate our birthdays together which sucked because we share the same birthday and we're both pisces. It sucks that we couldn't really finish making memories or enjoy our childhood together before we would both go our separate ways within the real world.
I miss her so much! there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of her. She was a lot of firsts for me. My first kiss,My first real friend,My first female best friend,My first partner in crime,etc. I could go on and on but unfortunately I can't because I have to get ready for my last first day in high school. I'm finally a senior.

*Wesley finished up his writing and his mom checks in on him to see about how he is feeling.*

Mrs. Pryor: Wesley?Honey. How are you feeling? Today is a special day!

Wesley: I'm fine mom. Just doing some of my daily writing.

*Wesley looks away from his mom and he glances at his journal. It hurts Wesley to write about Sylvia because writing about her wasn't the same as being with her. Kissing her. Hugging/Holding her. Seeing her smile. Hearing her laugh. Nothing was the same. But Wesley snaps out of his thoughts, he looks back at his mom as he fakes a smile.*

*Mrs. Pryor notices and she hugs Wesley tightly. Wesley hugs his mom back and Mrs.Pryor says to Wesley:

Mrs.Pryor: Oh baby. It's okay. I know you really miss Sylvia. I'm sure the feeling is mutual on her end. And I'm sure she has grown into such a beautiful woman. Maybe someday you two will cross each other's paths again. Who knows it may be sooner than you think.

*Wesley smiles even though he really feels down about Sylvia.*

Mrs.Pryor: I know how you feel babe but you really need to finish getting ready. Otherwise you're going to be late. I'm driving you to school today. Your dad had to leave early. You can do this honey. Hurry please. 

Wesley: Okay mom.

*Mrs. Pryor leaves out of Wesley's room and Wesley proceeded to finish getting ready for school. All wesley needed to do left was straighten up his room and grab his backpack as he began to head downstairs. Wesley gets downstairs and he sees that his mom is waiting for him in the car. Wesley grabs the house keys,he locks up the house,And he goes to get in the car, Wesley and Mrs. Pryor puts on their seat belts as Mrs. Pryor began to drive wesley to school.

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