Debate Class:

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*Sylvia walks into the first class she had on her schedule which was debate class. Everyone in class stares at Sylvia. Wesley was searching through his backpack for his notebook, He looked up quickly to see what everyone was staring at, He took a glance at Sylvia but he thought he was just hallucinating or something,He took another glance and his jaw dropped. Sylvia looks nervously at her teacher Mr. Scott and Mr. Scott says:

Mr. Scott: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student.

*Sylvia smiles awkwardly and she responds:

Sylvia: Yes I am. Um. your class was the first class on my schedule. Sorry for being a little late there was traffic.

Mr. Scott: It's fine. Please Introduce yourself to the class.

*Sylvia's hands starts to sweat, She analyzes the room and she recognizes Wesley, they make eye contact and she proceeds to focus on everyone else as she introduces herself.

Sylvia: Well... I'm Sylvia Carree. I'm 18 years old. I'm a pisces and I love music. Preferably R&B. I'm also a senior.... Which I'm assuming that this is an all Senior's debate class?

Mr.Scott: Yes it is. Thank you for introducing yourself to the class Ms. Carree. There's an open seat next to Mr. Wesley Pryor Which would also be your assigned seat for the rest of this school year.

Sylvia: Okay.

*Sylvia nervously walks to her assigned seat, she sits next to Wesley, There is a little tension between them both,They both look at each other but they quickly look away, Sylvia gets so nervous that she opens up a canned lemonade that she had inside of her bag without paying any attention to herself shaking the lemonade repeatedly due to her nerves being all over the place and the lemonade explodes on Wesley. Sylvia starts to apologize over and over while wiping his shirt.

Salem: Omg!! I'm so. so. so. soo. so. sorry! Omg!! I didn't mean it. Ugh! I'm so stupid.

*The whole class looks at Wesley and Sylvia. Wesley holds her hands to stop her from wiping his shirt and apologizing. Then he says:

Wesley: Hey it's okay. Accidents happen. Right...?

*Wesley and Sylvia makes intense eye contact with each other and Sylvia responds to Wesley:

Sylvia: Yes. Yes. That's right. They do happen don't they?

*Wesley nods at Sylvia and he says:

Wesley: Yes. So it's cool. It's not a problem. You're not stupid. Don't be so hard on yourself. Alright?

*Wesley gently puts Sylvia's hands down and Sylvia easily calms down from Wesley's touch. He had a way of doing that to her. Then Sylvia says:

Sylvia: Okay. Thank you Mr. Pryor.

*Wesley looks into Sylvia's eyes and he says:

Wesley: No problem Ms. Carree.

*Mr. Scott clears his throat and he says:

Mr. Scott: Ahem.. Mr. Pryor and Ms. Carree would you two like some time to get yourselves together? You could both go to the restroom. Of course just not with each other.

Sylvia:Yes. please. May I go first?

Mr. Scott: Yes you may.

Sylvia: Thank you.

*Sylvia gets out of her seat to go to the bathroom. Wesley looks at her and he watches as she walks out of the class into the hallway only because he's shocked that she's even here. It feels like one of his dreams. Wesley had to wait 10 minutes only so the two of them wouldn't be alone in the hallway together.*

*Once the 10 minutes had passed since Sylvia went to the bathroom Wesley was then allowed to go.*

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