Being There....

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Just about 20 minutes has passed already at lunch. The line for lunch was really long. Rayva, Alphonso, and Wesley finally was able to get their lunch, they started making their way back to their table, All three of them sits down and they began to talk to eachother.

(Lunch is almost over by the way)

Wesley: I'm sorry that I've been difficult lately today. I'm just dealing with something right now. It's not important. But it's some heavy stuff.

Alphonso: Oh come on wes. It must be important if it's affecting you this bad.

Wesley tried to speak but his voice starts to get raspy due to a lot of pain and anger that he was holding in, his eyes start to water. Alphonso and Rayva notices the look of hurt in Wesley's eyes. They both immediately grab all of their things, They leave their lunch trays behind, And they both escort wesley out of the cafeteria with their arms around him. They all walk together in the hallway and Wesley just breaks down in tears due to being overwhelmed and frustrated. He couldn't hold in how he was feeling anymore. Rayva and Alphonso both hug wesley together. Rayva goes inside of her bag and she gets wesley some tissue to wipe his tears from his eyes. Rayva starts to be reassuring to Wesley.

Rayva: Hey... wes... It's okay to cry. It's okay to break down. It doesn't mean that you aren't strong because you are. We understand that something is really bothering you. We don't want to pressure you. We just want to be here for you. We love you.

Alphonso: Yeah bro. We care about you.

Wesley wipes his tears, He takes a deep breath but he still doesn't want to tell them about Sylvia.

Wesley: Thank you guys. I love and care about you both too. Thank you both for being here when I was really in need of comfort.

Rayva: No problem compa. (Friend) Did you want to talk about what was bothering/hurting you?

Alphonso: We'll listen to you. And we'll try our best to understand you.

Wesley appreciated his friends but he just wasn't ready or comfortable to talk.

Wesley: I appreciate you guys so much. But I really don't want to talk about what's going on. Please respect my wishes. It's nothing personal. I just don't want to talk about it. Okay?

*Rayva and Alphonso both responds to Wesley together:

(Rayva & Alphonso): Okay.

Alphonso: Well I guess we did our job. We made sure that you're okay. At least that's what we're hoping we just did.

Rayva: Yeah. We hope we're not pressuring you too much to make you pull away from us wes.

Wesley: No. No. It's not like that at all guys. I just need to deal with what I'm going through alone.

Alphonso: That's the thing though wes. You don't have to go through whatever you're going through alone.

Rayva: Right. You don't have to because you have us.

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