Dance Class

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*Sylvia was feeling all kinds of emotions today. She was so over her first day already. She just couldn't wait to go home. Her second class was Dance class which Sylvia didn't have one single dancing bone inside of her body. Her mind was all over the place so much to where she couldn't even think straight or function properly. Sylvia walks into her dance class, She accidentally trips over a guy's backpack, And she ends up falling on the floor. No one even noticed that she had fell. But the guy saw her, He helps her up as he approached her and he says:

Tegan: Woah! Are you alright? I'm sorry. It's my fault. I should've picked my bag up off the middle of the floor.

Sylvia: It's fine. No worries. Thank you for helping me up by the way. It was sorta my fault though because I'm pretty clumsy. I could've avoided your bag had I been paying attention in the first place. Today just hasn't been a good day for me. But maybe some good can come out of this day. I could use this as an urgent reason to get my class switched. Considering the fact that I'm clumsy, I have two left feet, And your bag almost killed me.

*Tegan laughs and he says:

Tegan: I'm sorry that you're not having a good day. But you don't have to switch your class because of those minor reasons. I could be your dance partner. I'm pretty good at dancing. Plus in this class we partner up to create dance routines to perform in front of the whole school.

Sylvia: Oh. Is that so? Well then sure we can be partners. I'm Sylvia by the way. we've literally had a whole conversation without even knowing each other's names.

*Sylvia and Tegan both laughs then they shook each other's hands as Tegan introduced himself to Sylvia.

Tegan: Nice to meet you Sylvia. I'm Tegan. And I'm guessing that you're new here.

Sylvia: Nice to meet you too Tegan. And is it that obvious?

Tegan: Kind of. But it's all good. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Alright?

*Sylvia starts to think about when Wesley had said those exact same words to her earlier in their debate class. before tension was created between them. That was something Wesley would always say to her because she always would put too much pressure on herself. She always loved that about Wesley. The fact that he was always so concerned about her. It's too bad that he's mad at her. And they're not talking.*

*As time in class dragged a long all three of her next classes after dance class flew by pretty quickly. It was now sixth period. Which it is also time for lunch now.*

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