Sisterly love💕

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Sabrina: Okay. Well today a boy made me cry. He said that I'm too ugly to ever have a boyfriend. He also said that in order for a guy to have interest on me he'll have to be deaf and blind.

*Sylvia starts to get super upset. She remembers about how boys used to be so mean to her and how girls used to be so mean to Wesley when they were younger. But they always got through those times together. They always would protect eachother. Sylvia wished that Sabrina could make a friend or friends like she was blessed enough to find Wesley. But it was much harder for sabrina to make friends because she suffered from severe social anxiety. Sylvia wished she could protect sabrina at all times. Unfortunately she can't do much because Sabrina is in the eighth grade.

Sylvia: You know what? I'm taking you to school tomorrow. Before I go to school. I'm gonna set that little bald headed potato straight for you. Just point him out. That's all you have to do. And I'll handle the rest. He's gonna regret messing with you. Nobody messes with my little sister!

*Sabrina gets a little nervous and she tries to calm Sylvia down.*

Sabrina: No via. You can't do that. You'll embarrass me.

Sylvia: You're telling me that I "little miss cool cat" will embarrass you? Mhm. Okay. The real question is do you want to handle him? Do you want mom and dad to make a whole entire scene that you'll never be able to live down from those jerks at your school? Or do you want your top notch body guard of a sister to put that mean boy in his place? He's so lucky he's a youngin.

*Sabrina and sylvia both laughs together as sylvia practices her boxing position. Then sabrina agrees to letting sylvia step in to take care of the situation.

Sabrina: Alright. Alright. Muhammad Ali wannabe. You can handle it. Just don't embarrass me. Please.

Sylvia: You know I will. I'm just kidding. I got you brina. If anything I'm sure that he'll spread the word to other stupid boys who wants to hurt your feelings that Sabrina Carree's big sister means business.

*Sylvia and Sabrina both hugs eachother.*

Sabrina: Thank you Sylvia. I love you.

Sylvia: No problem. And you know I love you more.

Sabrina: I'm gonna miss you when you go away for college. I don't know what I'll do without you and all of your advice.

Sylvia: Brina. You'll be the strong and beautiful young lady that you've always been. You don't need me to fight your battles. I do it because I'm overprotective.  And next to god and parents protecting you, that's also my job to do as your big sister.

Sabrina: I know. I know via. But still I'm not as strong or as beautiful as you are.

Sylvia: Let me tell you something. Don't you ever feel like you have to compare yourself to me or to anyone else. You're equally as strong and as beautiful as me and anyone else. Don't you ever forget that. Do you understand?

Sabrina: Yes I understand. Well sylvia I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm tired. I really loved our talk though. Thank you so much.

*Sylvia and Sabrina hugs again. *

Sylvia: Of course sis. Make sure that you get enough beauty sleep because in the morning we definitely have some business to tend to. I love you. Goodnight.

Sabrina: Okay. I love you too. And goodnight.

*Sabrina leaves out of sylvia's room. Sylvia prepares to go to sleep as well. As she lays down in her bed she thinks of other business that she has to tend to. Which deals with wesley. Tomorrow holds a very interesting mixture of different events. As sylvia mind races before she knows it she falls asleep.

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