Alden P.O.V

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On my way to my office I hear the alert that means someone is at the gate so I turn around and walk back to the front of the house. As soon as I step outside I hear yelling coming from the gates. It's someone calling my name, it sounds like Sophie and Biana. But they were supposed to be in California getting the beach house ready. I rush down to the gates and open them for Sophie and Biana.

At the same time they both start talking so fast I can't catch up. " Girls slow down what happened?"

" Do you have any Frisin dad?" My daughter asks completely ignoring my question.

" No. Why do you need Frisin? And aren't you supposed to be at the beach house in California?"

" We were. When we arrived at the beach house it was on fire. We're pretty sure the fire is Everblaze too, that's why we need Frisin." Sophie says.

" Ok. So the beach house is on fire and you think it is Everblaze so you need Frisin?"

" YES!" They both shout.

" Ok. But where are Linh and Marella?"

" Linh and Marella are still at the beach house they are trying to move the fire so it is in the ocean. That way it can't burn anything. But sense it is Everblaze then the water won't put out the fire so we need Frisin" Biana explains rapid fire.

" Go to the Council and ask them for some." I tell the girls.

" We don't have that kind of time." Biana says exasperated.

" Come on B we'll just go see if Mr. Forkle has any."

" Ok lets go. See you later dad." Biana says as they disappear.

***************FORKLE P.O.V***************

I am sitting in my office at Watchward Heath when I hear a boom of thunder. I wound know that sound anywhere. Sophie. I rush outside to see her and Biana shaking dirt from their hair.

" What is the meaning of this?" I yell at them.

" We don't have time to explain, but do you have any Frisin?" Sophie asks.

" Yes. But why on earth would you kids need Frisin?"

" You know how we're supposed to be at the beach right now? So we went and when we got there the house was on fire so we need Frisin because we think the fire is Everblaze. Also we don't have much time because we already had to go to Everglen to see if Alden had any and he didn't so now we need your's. Please hurry Linh and Marella are trying to move the fire so it is in the ocean so it doesn't burn anything else. BUT HURRY!!" Sophie says so fast that I almost don't get it. But I hear enough so I run inside grab the pouch filled with the extra strong Frisin I had made for Marella.

" Here is the Frisin I made for Marella. NOW GO put out the fire."

They disappear with a clap of thunder the second I hand them the pouch. I really hope they put out the fire. Now while they do that I am going to look into when this fire was sparked and why.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GIRLS P.O.V AT BEACH HOUSE* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

When Sophie and Biana arrive back at the beach house Linh and Marella had successfully moved the fire so it was in the water. Sophie hands each girl a pouch and instructs them to levitate over the fire, just high enough so they won't get burned but low enough so they can ensure that the Frisin lands on the Everblaze.

" Great job girls!" Biana says high fiving each of us.

" Yeah we did great but now we have to get out of here." Sophie says.

" Why?" The other three ask.

" For many reasons. ONE- the Neverseen know where this house is, TWO- what if one of the humans saw us using our abilities or skills, AND THREE- Don't you think that Alden and MR. Forkle are going to want to know how it went plus they probably told everyone else so..." Sophie explains to the three girls.

" Sophie makes sense you guys." Linh agrees.

" Yeah I guess." Biana and Marella admit.

" Back to the Lost Cities." Biana calls as she lifts up her home crystal.  

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