Split P.O.V's

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Biana's P.O.V

I was suspicious of the boys, they didn't want revenge for what we did. That doesn't make any sense. Especially Keefe and Fitz, if I pranked them they would get back at me hard and we really got them. Tam drags me into the guest room next to my bedroom. Then he sits down on the bed and pulls me down with him. 

" What's up Tam?" I ask still sceptical.

" I need to ask you something."

" Yeah. What is that?"  

" ummm,... Biana would you like to go on a date with me?" Tam asks sweetly.

" I don't know Tam.." His face falls.

" Oh ok." He says looking like he's trying not to cry.

" Of course I'll go on a date with you Tam." His face breaks out in a smile. Then leans in and kisses me, I kiss back and it's like someone lit a fire inside of me. It is amazing. 

" Oh this is for you," Tam says as he pulls a purple rose from behind his back.

" Awwww Tam, I love it thank you." I say as I smell the rose. Then I give Tam a hug. The next thing I know I'm laying down on the bed and can't move. " Tam what's going on."

" Oh that's just what the brainwave elixir does. It means I can control what you do and sometimes say." My mean boyfriend says laughing. So they did plan to get back at us. This is not what I was expecting.

" Wait how did you do it? I didn't drink anything." I ask confused.

" Oh Biana dear, it was in that flower you smelled. Dex made it so if you breath it in it will still work."

" Taammmm!!" I whine.

" Yes love." 

" Why would you do this to me?"

" You stole all of our clothes," Tam shoots back at me.

" That's fair."

Marella's P.O.V

So Keefe drags me off to a room by Fitz's bedroom. I'm nervous for multiple reasons. The main two reasons are I'm worried about what the boys are going to do for revenge and two my crush just dragged me into a room. 

" Hey Keefe. What up?" 

" umm. Marella I have something I need to tell you." Keefe says nervously.

" Yes Keefe."

" Marella I l...l...l...like you."

I am shocked my crush likes me back. And as I stand here thinking this I realize that my crush is waiting for me to answer him.

" I like you too Keefe."

" Oh marella this is for you." Keefe pulls a pink carnation and gives it to me. I sniff it and instantly my body goes rigid.

" umm Keefe?"

" Yes baby, What is it?"

" Why can I not move at all."

" Because of that flower I gave you. It had brainwave elixir spray in it so now I control what you do."

" Keefe what are you going to make me do?" 

" Whatever I want to my love." 

Linh's P.O.V

Dex pulls me aside to ask me something and I can tell he's nervous because whenever he gets nervous he wrings his hands and twists his fingers. " Hey Dex. Why are you so nervous?"

" ummm Linh I have something I need to tell you." 

" Yeah Dex?"

" I like you Linh. I've liked you since we went to Nightfall. I just didn't know how to tell you. I sorry if you don't like me too."

" Dex that was so sweet. And don't worry I like you too." I say smiling at Dex.

" Linh what is your favorite color?" Dex asks his eyes shining.

" Dark Blue why?" I say, frowning a little.

Dex turns around and pours something onto something in his hand and turns back around with a blue Lily from behind his back. " Dex is that for me?" I ask.

" Yeah." 

" aww that's so sweet." I take a sniff of the flower and start to fall because my limbs become paralyzed. Dex lunges to catch me and when he does we fall onto the bed with me on top of him. " Deeex."

" Yeah. I'm sorry, but Keefe threatened to tell the triplets I liked you and then they would never ever leave us alone. Again I am so sorry."

" Ok I get it. But what is going on. Why does it feel so weird."

" Because of the elixir in the flower. It allows the first person the drinker sees to control them. Again I am so sorry Linh I didn't want to do it."

" It's ok Dex. just don't make me do anything embarrassing. Ok?"

" I don't know Linh you girls did steal all of our clothes, so."

" Aw come on boyfriend."

" It's not going to work Linh."

" Ugg fine."

Sophie's P.O.V

I'm scared. I'm scared of what Fitz is going to do to me. We stole all of the boys clothes and now I don't know what is about to happen. Fitz drags me into his room and pulls me down onto his bed. He gets that look on his face that means he's in serious mode.

" Sophie I have something to ask you."

" Yes Fitz?"

" Sophie will go out on a date with me?"

" I'm not sure Fitz."

" What!" He says and his face falls.

" I kidding. Of course I will go on a date with you Fitz." I say.

His reply was, " That was mean."

" Yeah maybe, but it was funny." I say laughing.

" Ok Ok. Mean girlfriends aside I have a present for you, well really two presents."

" Hey I am not mean. But you got me a present?"

" Yeah here." He hands me two flowers. One is a Panakes blossom branch and the other is a flower type that I don't know. 

" Fitz what are these white flowers called?"

" They're called Calla Lilies."

" Really."

" Yeah that's why I got them for you."

" That's so sweet. Thanks Fitz." I smell the Calla Lilies and then the Panakes blossom. Then I can't move and start to fall over when Fitz goes to catch me we both fall over with him on top of me. " Fitz care to explain why I feel like I am a puppet on a string and the person controlling them pulled them tight so I won't be able to move."

" Because of the flower."

" You put something on the Panakes flower?"

" No of course not. I put something on the Lily."

" What did you do Fitzzzzzzz." I whine.

" awww you're so adorable. We put an elixir in the flowers that Dex turned into a mist that if you breath it in then it allows the first person the drinker sees to control their actions and sometimes what they say."

" Cooome onn Fiitttzzz."

" Yep you are so adorable. Especially when you whine."

This is going to be the longest hour of my life.

A/N- This is my longest chapter 1236 words can you believe it. I realized that I haven't posted the dance it will be in the chapters to come but I have to continue with the prank war Sorry.

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