Sophie's P.O.V

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He just stands there gawking at me. Uggg this is embarrassing. One I'm in my underwear, Two he is not supposed to be here so I wasn't expecting anyone, and Three I'm in my underwear.  " Fitz." I snap.

" Uh Oh yeah. What were we talking about again?" 

" Why you're here." 

" Oh yeah."

" So you're not here to talk about your girlfriend?" I ask. Because that seems to be the only reason why he would be here.

" No I'm here to talk to you."

" About your girlfriend." I finish.

" No."

" Fitz we both know that's why you're here."

" Umm."

" Fitz just spit it out."

" I forgot." He blurts out.

" What?" 

" I forgot about her. Annisa I forgot about her. That's why I didn't tell you and why I didn't break up with her."

" What do you mean you forgot about her? She's your girlfriend how can you just forget your girlfriend?"

" Because of you."

" Me?!?" I ask shocked.

" Yes you. Didn't you notice how much she looked like you?"

" No. I never met her."

"Well you two could have been twins you looked so much alike. I only went out with her to try and get my mind off you. Because I thought that you thought of me as an older brother."

" Wait. So how did you forget about her?"

" You." Fitz states like I should know this.

" Well you've said that but how did I make you forget about your girlfriend?"

" By saying yes. I never wanted to go out with Annisa. I did it because she reminded me of you except for the fact that her eyes were blue and she wasn't quite as awesome." I bushed. " So now that I've cleared that up are you still mad at me?"

" A little."

" Come on Sophie."

" What? I'm not allowed to be mad. Also have you broken up with her yet?"

" No but I'll do it right now."

" Don't bother. This is one of the areas imparter a don't work. It will say out of range."

" So are you still mad at me?" 

Fitz looks at me with those puppy eyes that are so earistable. I duck under the water and dive to the bottom. I listen. All around I hear the songs of the earth, water, wind, and fire. I listen for answers. I spend a few minutes under there just listening. I've I am calm and collected. I flip and push of off the floor and rocket to the top. 

" So are you still mad at me?"

" No. I guess not." He jumps and cheers. " Shut up. You look like a five year old who just got a puppy made of candy for Christmas."

" What's Christmas?" Fitz asks. I just stare at him in shock. " Sophie are you okay?" I dissolve into laughter. Of course he does not know what Christmas is. I feel bad for the elves they're missing out.

" I'm fine." I wheeze out between giggles.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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