Memoirs From A War Forgotten #1 :Rifleman Eric Walkman

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5 Years Before The Butterfly Incident

Second Insurgency War

2 Weeks Before Operation "Piercing Sword"

May 3rd, 2041, F.O.B "Dylan" 

15 Miles Away From Crossing and 40 Miles Away From Precinct

The Sandstorm's are getting worse. Insurgents are moving guns and ammo while these Sandstorms pass over us. We are doing the same as well. Its been 1 year since I enlisted with the Sangvis Ferri Security Force, and its been 1 year since I failed to make it pass boot camp in the United States Marines. I can't go back to pops and mamma by telling them that I didn't serve for our country that my family has been protecting for ages. I've been a hillbilly for the most of my life, but this life style is something different. Way different than Florida and Kentucky.

I continue to write in my journal inside of this tent. I can hear the movement of vehicles outside with the footsteps of boots hitting the ground. I then hear a flap open from my tent. I look up to see who it was.

It was my buddy Fracker.

"Eric watcha writing my dude," Fracker asked.

I put away my journal and stuffed it under my pillow.

"Just some things about the situation we are having here," I answered back.

I see Fracker walk inside of my tent and sat right next to me on my right side.

"I hear there is a big Op thats going to happen. Been hearing it around the base," Fracker said.

"An Op? Its probably another search and destroy sweep. We've been doing these S and D's since we got here Fracker," I responded back.

"No you did'nt let me finish dude," Fracker said annoyed.

I scratch my head.

"My bad," I apologize.

"No probs," Fracker Accepts.

Fracker wiped his face. Looks like his uniform is covered in sand.

"The so called "Op" will have us clear out some strongholds  that we've been ignoring for awhile know around Crossing and Refinery," Fracker explains.

"Don't no much, but says they are bringing in some Marines, and the FFL into this to give us the leg up," Fracker finishes.

"Looks like this is important Fracker. Can't say what we are gonna get assigned to," I said Curiously.

Fracker stands up and reaches for his pouch on his heavy armored vest. He pulls out what looks like a slim shiny canteen. Like those you sneak in those alcohol stuff in.

Fracker opens the cap, and takes a swig from it. Ounce Fracker finishes his swig he puts the cap back on and puts it back into his pouch.

"Its not alcohol or booze if your asking Eric, Its Mountain Dew," Fracker said confidently.

"The old school gamer drink right?" I ask.

"Hell yeah, Cod and battlefield my man," Fracker said nodding his in in agreeance.

Gamers for life. Even in the Security Force games will always be our thing.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Fracker said walking over to his bed.

"Shit is going down, and a storm is brewing," Fracker said with a uneasyness in his voice.

"Were gonna be part of that storm, and not all of us are gonna make it," Fracker finishes.

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