Chapter 3: "Checkpoint Joint Security & Griffin" Forest Villa

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"Seriously, Play the Fucking Objective,".


It feels dark.

Like the cold nights on the sandy dunes.

I opened my eyes to see a library filled with books and dust. The lighting dimmed down to a firefly. Candles are hung across the hallways of books.

I walk among them. I found a mirror of me.

It showed a younger version of me.

It showed a younger version of me

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I look around myself.

"What the Fuck am I wearing!" I said in my mind.

I quickly began to question where the fuck am I, and why I'm wearing gear from 2 years ago.

I quickly ran around this space figuring out what's happening.

I then hear some whistling.

I went to go find it.

As I peak a corner I found a man sitting on a chair reading a book.

I walked up to him.

He peaks up from the book he was reading.

"Oh your here!" said the man excited.

He closes his book and sets it on the table in front of him.

He then stands up.

"Your a lot smaller than I thought you would be in this universe..." questions the man.

I scratch my head.

"Can you tell me where the fuck I am," I said politely.

He walks around me examining me.

"Its not where your at right now, but where you are," said the man.

"Why are you talking like this, talk normal," I said frustrated at what he meant.

He stops pacing around me and walks up to me.

"Stubborn just as I remember you," he speaks.

"What do you mean? You don't know me," I said confused.

He walks away from me to go back to the table he was at.

He picks up a book from the table that he wasn't reading.

"If you want answers then I think your story is just beginning," he said opening the book in his hand.

"What story? And I still want to know where the fuck I am before!....."

"Hush! I'm trying to explain it to you right know!" he yells.

What ever this dude is he is really creeping me out.

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