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My name is Glitch, born of both Light and Dark, and blessed with near infinite power.

Of course, if you really know me, I hate having too much power. It's one of the reasons that you never see a full list of my powers. I don't use any others.

And if you really want to know what my powers on, just think of everything superhero, every supervillain, every anti-hero, every beings power, all crammed into one person.

That's how powerful I am, and I hate it.

So, I use only a very small portion of those powers. Teleportation, Element manipulation, Super Strength, Speed, Durability, and Stamina, just to name a few.

That doesn't even include the hundreds of 'personalities' inside my soul. The truth is they aren't my 'personalities' or 'personas' or even spirits. They're born from the different things that have happened in my life.

So yeah, the son of the 2 core elements of everything in this multiverse, and beyond.

Sounds OP right?


I can't even use any of the Light's or Dark's power without choosing a side, and choosing a side results in corruption and greed. Which is why I serve as the line between the both of them.

No matter if you're the kindest person in the world, no matter if you're the devil himself with how evil you are, you are in the middle, on that line that divides Good and Evil.

That line is as thin as paper, but as large as you make it.

I am Mortal, yes, the guy who seems to never bleed and heals almost instantly, is Mortal.

I'm always open to questions, whether it's from you or your OC(s).

Ask. I'll answer Truthfully.

Promise.... Nvm... I hate Promises.

Nick has allowed me to own this book. No one will be in here except me.

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