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I dislike promises. They're just empty until they're fulfilled.

It's strange to have a book all to myself, I can finally talk about things just 1 on 1. It feels nice.

Anyway, since I do serve as the line between Light and Dark, I have to right to kill all who stray too close to a side, regardless of whatever it is.

I don't mind killing a few good and bad people, but it's more rare than you think.

There are 2 exceptions to that rule tho. If you were to change a side willingly, not by persuasion, you would be free to do so and I will do nothing. But if you do it out of a selfish act or out of persuasion I have full intention of killing you.

And.. The second exception.. Is if you die and your soul chooses which side to join.

Believe it or not, both Good and Evil are the same thing, two sides of the same coin. Flip it and you have a chance of getting any of them. It's weird right?

It all depends on your perception. If you have my perception, you see everything as natural, even the supernatural.

I love cookies and cream ice cream, who doesn't am I right? Haha.

Oh, yeah, I eat souls aswell. I know, random, but it's true. Determination is my favorite, even if it's a bit spicy. Kindness is SUPER sweet like honey, you should try it some time.

You won't, but you should.

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