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Anyone else play an instrument? Or sing? I feel like there are some people that do that. I'm definitely not the only one, I know that.

Anyway, you have talent if you do play, or sing, or create music, or animations, or do anything really.

I always played guitar for my parents, even singing them a song for them to sleep if they had a bad day.

I would always cheer them up, there wasn't a day in my life where I never saw them frown, or cry, or show any sign of unhappiness.

It was the best time of my life. And I couldn't ask for more. I never had siblings.. What's it like?

Do they annoy you? Do they treat you with kindness and respect? Do they help you with things? Are they very loud at times?

Sorry for the many questions. It's just there's been many things I've never had that people already to have. I feel left out, but I know I can't change it.

Anyway.. I'm gonna leave you off with one of Nick's favorite songs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ^^

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