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Now to talk about myself.

You already know my name, Glitch, and a little bit about myself, my powers, and a little bit about my parents.

First, we'll start off with my parents: Alpha and Delta.

They are.. Amazing, great parents. If you had them you would've had a gift. I was lucky to have that gift.. Of course.. They aren't here. Well, technically they are here, just not physically.

Alpha, Source of Darkness is his title because he is the.. Well.. Source of Darkness, the black half of a Yin-Yang. His power derives from all the negative emotions in the Omniverse and everything beyond it, dead or alive.

You can think of him as Nightmare, but MUCH stronger.

Delta, Source of Light is her title. It's the same as Alpha's, except her power derives from all the positive emotions in the Omniverse and everything beyond it, dead or alive.

They have no weaknesses except themselves. Light fights off Darkness, and Darkness fights off Light. So.. The big question here.. Is how the fuck did they have me?

Well, c'mon, those dirty minds of yours should come up with something. Spoiler alert!

You're wrong. I was just created out of things air with mother their powers, and infant with two parents that were completely opposites. How did that work out?

Well, you need to learn how Light and Dark work when they're together.

When Light and Dark are together, you need both to sustain them, regardless is what they are. In order for my mother and father to raise me they had to be beside me every step of the way. If one of them strayed too far from me, the delicate balance would shift and it would be painful for me.

So, the only way to bypass this was for my parents to divide their power equally and give it to me. How I got my name? This would be classified as a big mistake to anyone that never knew my parents, a Glitch.

Yay! I got my name! What next?

Well, it's time for you to know more about my parents.

Light and Dark are indefinite, meaning my parents power is indefinite, which would mean they're op. But, they can't manifest into the real world, they need a host, but no host is strong enough to take their power.

Except me. My parents live within my soul, and protect me from lethal attacks. Their weapons are pretty. They both use swords, Alpha uses a sword made of pure Darkness. It looks like it's made of bone, I actually have a picture of reference.

 It looks like it's made of bone, I actually have a picture of reference

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It's a one handed sword, he rarely uses another hand to swing it. It's power shatters Multiverses.

Here's Delta's.

Only the crystal is white, not purple

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Only the crystal is white, not purple. She weilds this with two hands. It has similar power to Alpha's.

Both of these swords hold power like no other. Each can shatter Multiverses in a few swings. Each sword has it's own abilities. They both phase through the people they don't want to hurt. So if someone is body blocking your target the sword will go through that person and not hurt them, but it will pierce the flesh of your target.

These swords hold the full power of Light and Dark, using the corresponding one will allow you to do the impossible.

Delta's sword controls Light and everything good. It can resurrect people from the dead to their full health, as if they were alive. It heals the weilder passively and can weave the fabric of time and space. Simply holding the sword is it's own honor and strength. It can also cut through anything, not matter how strong it is.

Alpha's sword controls Darkness and everything evil. It can kill you instantly, regardless of how large or painful the cut is. This sword is stained with death, and can call forth the dead to assist you in battle, their spirits now fueled by the power of Darkness. It will heal the weilder once it takes a life. It can also take the will of your opponent or target and make it yours, allowing them to be a mindless slave. There is no cure to this.

Anyone can wield the swords, but it's not very wise to. Wielding that much power leads to greed, and the swords don't take kindly to that. You can't wield one without the other.

Anyway, here's a song to end the chapter.

C'ya! ^^

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