Predator Alert

317 13 0

Y/ns pov.

I groaned. Waking up is the worst part of the day. I felt Sean's arms holding me. It felt nice. It made me feel safe. I slowly removed myself from his grip and walked into the bathroom with my change of clothes. I planned on showering last night, but I fell asleep.

The hot water felt good on my skin. I ran my hands, down my body, sending chills down my spine. I grabbed my shampoo and washed my hair. I thought about Sean. His touch. His voice. Him. He made me feel warm inside. "Ow ow fuck." I cussed. Soap got in my eyes.

I stepped out of the shower. My eye still stinging from the soap. I pulled on some underwear and checked my phone. Nothing important to look at, so I just finished getting ready. I walked out of the bathroom to see Mark awake.

"Moring." I said, walking over to my bed. "Mornin." He said as he walked to the bathroom. "Mark?" He stopped, "What's up Y/n?" I looked at Sean and then at him. "If he wakes up and I'm not back tell him I'll be back soon." I said walking towards the door. "Okie." He said, shutting the bathroom door.

I walked into the hallway and to the elevator. The ride down was fine. I had my airpods in, so no one could make small talk. In the few weeks I've known Sean, I've learned how he likes his coffee. Hot, with 2 cream and 1 sugar. I walked out of the elevator and into the lobby. The receptionist waved as I walked by. I flashed a smile before walking out of the lobby and into the outside air.

I knew there was a coffee shop not far from the hotel, so I made my way there. The walk was nice and brisk. I eventually walked in. The line wasn't very long, which made this a sinch.

"Hi, what can I get for ya?" The man behind the counter asked? "2 coffee. 1 hot 2 cream 1 sugar. And one (favorite coffee)." I said, getting my wallet out. "Alright, your total is $12.43." He said, handing me the receipt, "What's the name for the order?" He asked. "Y/n." I said, smiling again. The cashier shot me another smile before I walked away and sat down.


I walked back to the hotel. I felt my phone buzz. I knew exactly who it was. I chuckled, assuming it was a text or snap from Sean. I sighed. My hands were full. I sped up my pace and arrived back into the hotel. Quickly walking to the elevator and pressing the button. A fan had stopped me on the way, so I hoped Sean coffee wasn't cold.

I opened the room door to see Sean in a panic. "You didn't ask him where he was going?!" Sean said, calling someone. "I'm sure he's fine, Sean." Amy said reassuringly. The room went quiet as my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I said with a giggle. Sean hung up and turned to me. He quickly rushed over to me, giving me a hug.

"I was worried." He said. "Sean, I'm ok. I brought you coffee. I didn't know what Mark and Amy like, so I got you two cake pops." I handed the bag to Amy before, handing a now very happy Sean his coffee.

I opened my phone and sat on the bed. Sean, Amy, and Mark made casual talk while I opened my text messages. I threw my phone. "NO. THERES NO WAY!" I shouted as I buried my face in my hands. Sean's face shifted to a more worrisome look. "What's going on?" He rushed over and sat down next to me. He placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed lightly. "Hey, hey. It's ok, Y/n. You're safe. You're ok." He said softly. He gently pulled my hands away from my face.

"There's a pretty sight." He said as he wiped my tears. "Now, what's wrong?" I took a breath. In through my nose. Out through my mouth. "He- he's stalking me..." I said quietly. Sean pulled me in for a hug. "It's ok, Y/n. We'll stop him." He pulled away, grabbed his phone, and walked into the bathroom. "I'm sorry - what's going on?" Mark asked, looking at the now closed bathroom door and then back at me. "Dont- don't worry about it. It's fine." I said, getting up, "We should go out later and go party."

"Ok- thank you again." Sean said, getting off the phone. "Their on their way. They said to leave the building and go somewhere more open." Mark turned to Amy and smiled, "Let's get dinner. As a double date." Amy said, smiling. Sean and I looked at each other. "We- we aren't dating." I said slowly. "Oh well. You can be a temporary couple."

This is gonna be fun...

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