Hoseok's P.O.V:

"Hoseok, get ready we are having an interview!!" Namjoon shouted from downstairs.

Great, another interview. I have to be happy once again. Let's get my mask ready.

I really hate having interviews because I, Jung Hoseok is known as the sunshine of BTS where as I am the darkness of BTS. I hate pretending to be happy but I love being in BTS.

My biggest wish is to reveal myself to the whole world. No one knows about my depression except myself. I want people to understand that being happy is very hard and I can't handle it. I just want to die.


**at the interview**

To be honest this isn't as bad as I imagined, they are not asking any personal questions. Might be my favourite interview so far.

"What makes you the happiest?" the interviewer asked.

Why? Just why did this had to happen?

"J-hope, your turn" Rap Mon said putting the microphone in front of my mouth.

"For me, it has to be...umm dance and ARMY!"

The relief you experience when you put it against your skin.

"What do you hate the most in this world and why?" once again the interviewer asked.

"Umm...I hate snakes they scare me a lot."

The fact I have to hide my inner feelings away from the world.

"The last question is...how do you cope with sadness?"

"I read a book" Namjoon

"I cook" Seokjin

"I write songs" Yoongi

"I draw" Jungkook

"I paint" Taehyung

"I talk to my parents" Jimin

"I dance" me

I don't. I just imagine why I should take the next step.


Finally, the interview ended.

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