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I felt saw someone try and kick me but ona pushed her back and they started going at it...


👣 January 19th 11:24 👣

Mattias POV

After me and lani parted I went to class and sped walked a bit.

I finally got to class and walked in.

Teacher: Late mr.polibio
Mattia: ik im sorry
Teacher: We're in a test rn so just speak quietly please.
Mattia: mhmm

He handed me a sheet and I went to sit next to kairi.

Mattia: sup
Kairi: hey
Mattia: Hey bb 😉
Derek: Hey papI
Kairi: wow, I see how is it

The teacher caught the attention of the boys laughing and messing around.

He walked over to the boys

Teacher: Boys, I understand that Mattia just got here, but please, we are still in a test. You can mess around during break time.
Mattia: sorry
Derek: sorry
Kairi: sorry


Kairis POV

It was the end of class, Me and derek went to our spot to meet with the rest of the group without mattia bc he had to catch up with the test.

We were walking down the stairs and exited the block, I saw a huge circle so I was thinking fight.

Fights are entertaing asf so we ran towards the circle.

I was too short and wanted a better look so I pushed through the crowd to get to the front

I realised it was lani and Ona and my smile dropped.

I looked in front of me and derek was tryna get lani off, I called the boys to come help.

I called mattia last bc he was doing a test.

He came and helped derek grab lani while the rest of us helped Ona.


Mattias POV

Mattia: um, I-I didnt finish
Teacher: dw you can finish it now
Mattia: cant I do it next lesson
Teacher: Im sorry but you have to do the test now to catch up with th others.
Mattia: ok ig

I finished my test and got a call from kairi

Mattia: yo
Mattia: WHAT?!?
Mattia: okok im coming.

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