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Leilani: No more bub, I gotta go to first class
Mattia: fineee, gimme kith 😚

I kissed him and ran back to ona.


💚 January 21st, 12:34 💚

( when school ends )

Mattia: byee cutie
Leilani: byee

I kissed him on the cheek and walked home.

I looked behind me and mattia was gone.

Derek: uhm Vallyk told us to put these on...

We put them on before looking at the house

I felt two hands snake around my waist

I gasped

Mattia: relax its just me
Leilani: oh ok

We were walking and than I heard Vallyk say


I took it off and saw...

My eyes lit up

Leilani: MELODYYYY!!!
Derek: MEL!

Melody ran towards us and she was barking of joy

My eyes were tears full of joy..

Leilani: Who found her.

Everyone looked at Vallyk

I ran to him and grave him the biggest hug, we rocked back and forth as I cried in his shoulder.

Leilani: Nawwhhh vallyk...you dont know how much I love you
Vallyk: I love you more

We parted and he wiped my tears

I laughed and waved my face

Ona: Damnn, bitch has been emotional these past weeks
Leilani: shush

We walked inside

Mattia: Hey wanna go on our walk now
Leilani: sure, lemme go tell derek first

I told derek and went back downstairs

I made sure melody was ok and went outside

Leilani: ready to go
Mattia: yep

He held his hand out, I grabbed it and we walked out

We were walking while holding hands.

We go to the park and looked for a bench to sit at...

He sat down first pulling me down

Leilani: smooth move polibio

Mattia: What do you wanna do?
Leilani: I didnt bring anything with me except my phone.
Mattia: good

He looked behind him...

I saw a pretty picnic blanket and a picnic basket on the ground...

Leilani: Nawhhhh
Mattia: You like it?
Leilani: no, I love it

We kissed and went to the blanket

We sat down and ate

After eating we just cuddled on the picnic blanket

Leilani: I have a question...
Mattia: what are we?
Leilani: idk tbh
Leilani: We kiss...hold hands...flirt...
Mattia: Well....wanna do more than that?
Leilani: what do you mean...

He sat up and grabbed my hands...

I was on my knees and he was sitting down with his legs cross

Mattia: um...do you wanna...um
Leilani: ...
Mattia: Do you wanna be my girlfriend?
Leilani: I-

Mattia sighed and looked down, I put my finger on his chin and lifted his head, I smiled at him

Leilani: ofc I will you dummy

He smiled and pull me towards him, connecting our lips...

Our heads moved in sinc

Things got a but um...heated


He licked my bottom lip and slipped his tongue in my mouth....

I went on his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist...

Leilani: im sorry for getting you in trouble last time...
Mattia: I accept your apology :)

I smiled at him, grabbed his face and connected our lips...

( ye im done 💀 this shit is too weird )


Leilani: Maybe we should finish this another time.

He looked around and saw that we were still at the park


I got off him and stood up

We packed up and walked back to my house while holding hands...

A/n: umm....ye...😬 guess lani and vallyk are gonna be a while 💀 Maybe 2 or 3 chapters to go 🤷🏽‍♀️ we'll see.

Ty for voting, also Im really sorry for the short chapter 😔 but they make the story longer aswell soooo 😛💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

💚 606 words 💚

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