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after another two days of sleeping, cuddling his daddy, and drinking lots of bottles, calums sickness was gone. no fever, no headache, no more ickyness. the little lost most of his voice, though, so it was harder to hear when he spoke. ashton did his best to hear calum, even if he was saying what? more and more (he was more deaf than he'd like to admit).

calum found it amusing.

everytime ashton said what? the little would burst into, almost silent, giggles and run out of the room cause laughing still made him a little more breathless than he'd admit. at least one of them was having fun with it.

the older boy just hoped calums voice would come back sooner rather than later. he kinda missed hearing his voice, all loud and happy.

"sweetheart, dinner is ready!" ashton calls out, setting the bowls of hot soup on the table. even though calum was feeling much better, ashton didnt want to start feeding him foods that would make his tummy upset again. so, they were slowly seeing what he could eat, and how he handled it afterwards.

little pitter patter sounds get louder as calum runs into the kitchen.

"s'ells yummie!" calum giggles, sitting down on his chair. ashton looks at him for a couple seconds, trying to figure out what he said. then it clicks.

"oh, yeah, of course its yummy," ashton says, sitting next to him, "daddy made it."

calum just widens his eyes for a couple seconds, and then grabs his spoon.

"what was that for?" ashton asks, narrowing his eyes at calum. the little just giggles, so quietly, again and starts to eat. ashton watches as he takes one sip, all happily. something churns in ashtons stomach. he grabs the spoon from calums hand, tells calum to sit back, and starts to feed him.

calum doesn't mind at all. the little loves it when his daddy feeds him.

they alternate taking bites. calum gets one, then ashton gets one.

"so good, sweetheart. daddys good boy," ashton says as he feeds calum his last bite. the little swallows it, then beams with happiness.

"go play while i can up," ashton says, already grabbing the empty bowls. the comment makes calum pout.


calum mumbles, then pouts again.

"what, sweet pea?"

calum bursts out into silent laughter, and presses his front to ashtons. the little really loved his daddy and how funny he was. ashton just wraps his arms calum, and pats his back a couple times.

"'uddle, dada, p'ease!"

ashton watches calums lips carefully, trying to decipher what he was saying. after a couple seconds, again, he gets it.

"we'll cuddle, sweetheart, i promise. just let me put the leftovers away," ashton hums, placing a soft kiss to calums head. the little nods, sits back on his chair, and watches as ashton cleans the kitchen up.

calum gets bored halfway, and quietly wanders out of the kitchen.

so when ashton, turns around, ready for that cuddle, he's confused when calum is no where in sight.

"sweetheart?" ashton calls out, walking up to the bedroom. when he enters, calum isnt in the room. so, he sets off to find where calum wandered off to.

"calum?" ashton calls out, not realizing that he wouldn't be able to hear calum if he even called back. so, it was only him looking around.

when the older boy gets into calums playroom, he's surprised. the littles curled up with his stuffed animals, fast asleep, on the floor.

ashton makes sure to take a picture.


when calum wakes up, he's laying on something warm and cuddly. it makes him groan softly, and rub his cheek against the chest underneath him.

"well hi, sleepyhead,"

calum looks up, surprised to see ashton awake.


his voice is no more than a mere cracky, high pitched squeal. after he attempts to say hi, the squeal hurts his throat, so he decides to keep his mouth shut.

"how about i get you some ice cream, sweetheart? maybe that will help your throat?" ashton asks, brushing some of calums hair away from his forehead. the older boy knew calum would be excited at the thought of ice cream (and he knew it would help soothe his sore throat).

ashton laughs when calum smiles widely, and starts to nod happily.

"okay, get up sweetie,"

calum eagerly scrambles up, making ashton giggle. the little holds onto ashtons hand the whole way to the kitchen, basically dragging his daddy along the way. once they're in the kitchen, calum sits on the kitchen chair and claps his hands.

"im gonna feed you," ashton says as he's scooping ice cream into a bowl, "otherwise, i know you'd shove all this down your throat."

calum giggles, and hides his face in his hands.

"do you wanna eat or not?" ashton asks, sitting down next to calum. the little lifts his head, nods happily, and then moves himself so he's sitting on ashtons lap.

calum eats all his ice cream happily, and at ashtons pace.


sorry, im having writers block but it feels weird not to update at least once a day (not that you guys would mind a break (probably not))
comments? predictions?
love u!

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