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"callie, open up!"

"never, lulu!"

both boys start to giggle as they play, and force their stuffies to fight each other. michaels downstairs making dinner, tacos, since both boys ganged up on michael and didnt stop saying please! until michael agreed to make it.

"hey, daddy!" luke calls out, his tummy grumbling as the smell of the tacos lingers in the house.

"yes, lukey? are you boys behaving?"

"yes, daddy! when dinner 'onna be ready?" luke asks, turning to a giggling calum.

"about twenty minutes! i'll come get you boys when it's done, okay?"

"otay!" luke smiles, looking at calum mischievously.

"what, lulu?" calum asks, tilting his head to the side.

"callie, wanna take tubbie?" luke ask, already standing up. the other little gasps, nodding right away. a bath with lukey sounded so much fun! both boys giggle as they run to the bathroom. luke turns the water on, and then looks to calum who is already stripping naked.

"come on, lulu!" calum giggles. once he's naked, he climbs into the bathtub. luke is quick to follow calum, climbing into the bathtub just as naked as calum.

they sits facing each other, both sitting criss cross apple sauce.

luke smirks, and then splashes water on calum.

"lukey!" calum gasps, then splashes water right back at luke, who then gasps. they both keep giggling, and splashing each other with the warm water. they're both wet, and very happy.

a creaky sound, coming from outside the bathroom door, makes both boys stop and look at each other.

"nose goes!" luke yells, putting his finger on his nose first. the action makes calum pout. nonetheless, he pushes the sliding door open, and then sticks his upper body out of the bathtub to see if michael was out there. of course, the action makes calums bum stick out.

there's a loud slap, and then a gasp from calum. 

"lukey!" calum yells, quickly sitting on his hands as he looks at luke with a shocked expression. luke giggles, blushing a bit.

"you're bum is big!" luke giggles, making calum pout.

"my daddy 'ubs my bum," calum pouts, looking down at his lap. then, his eyes drift towards lukes lap...

"hey, why 'ou bigger 'an me?"

"hmm?" luke hums, looking down. he looks at his own lap, then looks at calums.

"boys?!" michael yells, rushing into the bathroom. he gasps when he sees both boys, naked, in the bathtub.

"daddy, 'm bigger 'an callie!" luke says happily. michael just stares in disbelief for a couple seconds, then hurriedly grabs out some towels.

"dinner is gonna get cold!" michael says, quickly wrapping the towel around luke as he helps the boy out of the bathtub. once he's dry, he slaps lukes bum, as kind of a warning.

"go get dressed, mister," michael whispers in lukes ear. the little nods, then rushes out of the bathroom. michael then helps calum out of the tub, and dries him off.


"hmm?" michael hums, wrapping the towel around calum once the boy is dry. he starts leading calum out of the bathroom and to lukes little room.

"why lukey bigger 'an me?" calum pouts.

"how about we get dressed so we can eat?" michael says happily, trying to change the subject. calum goes along with it easily, cheering happily for dinner.

once they're both dressed, and off the topic about sizes, michael leads them to the kitchen and helps the both build their tacos.

"okay, go sit," michael says, nodding to the table once both boys have their plates.

"daddy, can we pwease watch a movie?" luke asks, a pout on his face as he holds his plate. michael bites his lip, then gives in.

"okay, fine. we can watch a movie. be careful with your plates, understood?"

"yes, daddy!"

"yes, mimi! tank 'ou," calum says politely, following luke into the family room. he sits next to luke on the couch, and watches as michael puts a movie on.

"hey, daddy?" luke calls out, stopping his daddy before michael could go get his own plate.

"yes, lulu?"

"nothin!" luke giggles, looking at calum.

"what's so funny, lukey?"

"he gonna make fun of my bum 'gain!" calum says with a pout.

"how about we dont talk about each other's private parts, yeah?" michael says, "it's very disrespectful, and calum, i dont think your daddy would be happy to know that you looked at someone else's private part."

calum gasps, "just wanted to see, mimi! everyone bigger 'an me! even daddy!"

michael sighs, "just watch the movie, okay boys?"

they nod, and then turn their complete attention to the movie as they eat. michael grabs his phone, ready to call ashton, and see what ashton wanted him to do because no matter how hard michael tried, he knew both of the boys wouldn't quit talking about each others dicks.


i had them talking less like littles in this chapter that way y'all could understand them, since it probably would've been harder for y'all to read since they talked to each other a lot
like i said before, it's easier for me to understand cause i know what im writing but it can be hard for you guys (you can always ask me if you dont understand something!)
anyways, comments? predictions?
love u!

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