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it feels like as soon as calum fell asleep, the boy woke right back up. this time, it was because his whole body had some sort of dule ache or pain - calum couldn't handle it. the boy knew he would be in more pain as usual, and essentially he asked for it - but he didn't think it would hurt this bad.

tears pooled in his eyes as he uses all his strength to roll over, and nudge a sleeping ashton.

"a-ash," calum whimpers, shaking him again, "wake up."

ashton groans, and it takes a couple more nudges before he's opening his eyes. immediately, ashton senses calum is off.

"hey, sweetheart," ashton says softly, running a comforting hand through calums hair, "what's wrong?"

"h-hurts," calum hisses, curling his body against ashtons to try and get some sort of physical relief.

"okay, alright," ashton says softly, "why don't i go get you some pain meds, okay? that will help you, im sure."

"don't want you to go," calum whines pathetically, grabbing onto ashtons bicep so he wouldn't get up. the older man sighed - calum was usually clingy after sex, but he needed to get him so pain medicine so that way he would feel better.

"its okay, sweetheart," ashton says, "i'll be gone just a couple seconds. i gotta get you some pain medicine cause cuddling won't take the pain away."

"okay," calum mumbles, pulling back from ashton. the older boy presses a soft kiss to calums head, and let's it linger for a couple seconds before he crawls out of bed, and heads into the bathroom for the medicine. calum squeezes his eyes closed when the bathroom light flickered on, and lit up half of their bedroom.

then, guilt started to settle in the bottom of calums stomach.

a soft whimper escaped his lips, and he curls up under the covers. why couldn't he just get the medicine himself? calum didn't know, and it was stupid to think, but he really felt back for waking ashton up when he could've just gone to the bathroom and got some medicine himself.

calums so stuck in his own head, he doesn't register ashton coming back into the bedroom.

ashton rushes over to him, and gently sits down next to calums body.

"sweetheart, why are you crying?" ashton asks softly, setting the water bottle and pills down on the nightstand, "come out for me, please. i want to see you."

calum reluctantly peeks his eyes out, and looks at ashton.

"talk to me, love," ashton whispers, and brushes some of calums hair back.

"'m pathetic," calum whimpers, "i shouldn't of woke you up. it was selfish of me, i should've just got the medicine myself-"

"no, don't even go there," ashton says sternly, "you know more than damn well you can wake me up for anything. you know that. especially after you took something that big inside you, love. i knew you would be hurting a bit. please, though, don't hide from me."

"im sorry," calum whispers.

"there's nothing to be sorry for. why don't you take your medicine so we can cuddle though? cause if i remember correctly, i owe you some of those."

a smile starts to grow on calums face, "yeah. i would like that."

ashton helps calum sit up, swallow the pills, and then lay back down. calum gets all comfy against ashtons side, and then starts to think.

the boy thinks about how fucking lucky he is to have someone like ashton as his husband. there wasn't a stone ashton would leave unturned when it came to doing anything for calum...and calum couldn't express his love and gratitude enough.

as they lay together, happy and comfortable in each other's arms, calum knows there isn't any other place he would want to be at, since he was already at home.


cute, short lil chapter
comments? predictions?
love u!

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