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Kristie and Rachel go camping.

     It's late November, which meant it was offseason for Kristie and Rachel. After a year of hard work, they decided they should treat themselves to a fun and exciting road trip to New Mexico. Rachel had been looking forward to this trip since the moment she convinced her girlfriend to doing it. Kristie had no problem going on fun road trips. The issue? Rachel wanted to go camping. Kristie preferred to sleep in her warm, comfortable, bug-free bed back in Houston, Texas.

"According to the map, we should just keep going straight ahead and we'll arrive to the camp site." Rachel's finger traced over the road on the map as Kristie drove. From Texas to New Mexico, it was about 8 hours. They each drove four hours, so it wasn't that bad. They left from their apartment at around 5am, so they wouldn't arrive to the site when it was dark and scary.

"We're here!" Rachel exclaimed, unbuckling her seatbelt. Kristie could hear the excitement from her girlfriend's voice and it warmed her heart. Although sleeping in a tent for the next few days were going to be rough, she decided it was going to be okay because it made her girlfriend happy and they were going to have fun together.

Rachel and Kristie began to set up their large tent just a couple of feet away from their car. Rachel didn't bother to read the instructions, it'd take her long and felt like it would be pretty easy. However, Kristie kept the instructions nearby because she knew her girlfriend would end up needing them at some point. And she was right. Rachel was getting upset when the tent wouldn't stand, and that was when Kristie came in to rescue her.

"This is why we read the instructions first, my love." Kristie said in the softest tone as she reached in to help. Just shortly after, the tent was standing. Kristie began to decorate their tent, throwing in some blankets and pillows to make it much more comfortable to sleep in. Rachel gathered some firewood to build a small fire for when it got dark later.

After hours of getting settled, the two decided it would be best to take a break and eat. The two huddled near the small fire, that Rachel had started for them, with their sandwich in their hands. Soon enough, it was time for dessert. And of course, the only acceptable dessert when going camping are marshmallows and s'mores.

"Oh, oops!" Kristie removed her marshmallow away from the fire and it had burnt. Rachel laughed, then gave her perfected roasted marshmallow to Kristie. While Kristie was enjoying her marshmallow, Rachel had prepared some s'mores for them.

"Love you s'more." Rachel giggled as she offered Kristie a s'more. Kristie loved spending time alone with Rachel because she would say the cheesiest things ever that would make her smile and laugh most of the time.

The pair spent some time huddled around the fire, talking about the smallest things ever and what they would do the following day. Soon enough, they struggled to keep their eyes open and knew it was time for bed.

Kristie wouldn't leave Rachel's side, so she waited for her to safely put out the fire and put their belongings away in the car. Kristie crawled into the tent first, then Rachel followed. It was pitch black and they could hear the night critters.

"Rach? Are you awake?" Kristie whispered, turned her body to face her girlfriend.

"Mhm. Are you okay?" She asked, her arm lazily draped over her girlfriend as she snuggled into her. From the sound of Kristie's voice, Rachel could tell Kristie was worried.

"Yeah...just, scared?" She mumbled, and sighed afterwards. Kristie felt somewhat more comfortable when Rachel rested her arm on her.

"I know, me too. I'll be right here if you need anything, okay? I promise." Rachel pulled her girlfriend in close and rubbed her back gently to comfort her.

In less than thirty minutes, they both had fallen asleep. They slept peacefully through the first night and the next few nights. They made new memories on their trip. Even though they enjoyed their time, they were much more happier to be back in their comfortable apartment in Houston.

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