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Kristie and Rachel decorating their house with decorations.

Christmas was just around the corner. And Kristie couldn't contain her excitement. Rachel and her would be shopping for a tree and decorations later today. They had been busy with family that they didn't have much time together alone in their small, comfortable apartment in Houston. They travelled to Massachusetts on Thanksgiving week. They spent their time at Kristie's parents' house for the week. The following week, they were headed across the pond to visit Rachel's family. Meeting each other's family was something they would never forget. Although the traveling left them exhausted, it was all worth it in the end.

Now they were back in Houston and realised they hadn't started decorating their place at all. The pair made several stops to different shops. They didn't have a clue where they would put their Christmas tree, but they know they would figure it out together. Just like everything else.

As Rachel drove them to different shops, she couldn't stop thinking about the fact that this was their first Christmas together. They had just met each other's families and now they were spending Christmas together. Everything was perfect and Rachel just wanted to appreciate it. The same thoughts were on Kristie's mind. She watched her girlfriend sing along to the Christmas songs that were being played on the radio. Watching her girlfriend being happy and having a good time brought fuzzy, warm feelings that she hadn't felt in a very long time. And she loved these feelings.

Shopping for Christmas decorations and their tree, then carrying their items up to their apartment left them exhausted. They took some time to relax and cuddle on the couch. Rachel later decided she'd make them each a cup of hot chocolate to get them in a decorating mood. Kristie got her Bluetooth speaker out and began to play some Christmas songs. Rachel turned around to see her girlfriend dancing in their living room. They drank their hot chocolate for a bit, then decided to get to decorating before it got late.

Christmas music was blasting, the couple wore Santa hats, with a little bell attached at the end. Their dog played with a little ball in the corner. While Rachel struggled to put their tree up, Kristie was happily decorating their apartment and singing away with glee.

When Rachel finally set up their Christmas tree, Kristie joined her to decorate it. The two spent about an hour or so decorating it. They cracked little jokes, took mini breaks to sip on their hot chocolate or to dance. The two sang their little hearts out to whichever song was playing.

When they finally finished, they took a step back to admire what they've done together. Then, they looked around their apartment. They loved what they've done with the place. This was definitely one of those days they would each remember.

"It's just missing two more things." Rachel muttered as she looked at the Christmas tree. She went to their bedroom and into the closet they shared. Rachel came back into the living room with two soccer balls in her hands. She placed them underneath their tree and went to join Kristie afterwards.

"All better now." The two laughed together, but it was true. Their tree was filled with ornaments from the store, but also ornaments they had made together. There was a ornament with a picture of them and their dog together. That one was probably their favorite because it was their first family photo.

They spent thirty minutes cleaning up and it was 11 pm by the time they were finished. Shopping, decorating, and cleaning left the pair exhausted. They changed into their comfortable pajamas before getting into bed. It was definitely a day to remember. And Rachel hoped there would be many more of days like this to come.

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