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Rachel and Kristie owning a flower store together.

Kristie and Rachel were owners of a brand new flower store in Houston. They had a variety of flowers in their shop. There were flowers of different sizes and colors. Their store had been open for almost a month now. The business was doing better than they expected. Not many flower shops were around here, so they thought it would be perfect to open one up.

An hour before they opened, Kristie and Rachel would water the plants they would set up outside the shop. Putting flowers outside would catch the attention of customers and hopefully bring them inside to shop. This time of year, people brought a lot of flowers. Valentine's Day was just around the corner, so they made sure to have the best red roses for their customers to buy.

While Kristie arranged and designed the flowers, Rachel took a look around the shop. She made sure it was in a clean and tidy condition, the store was set at an optimal temperature for the flowers and that they had been watered. The couple also ran their business online, so they had to pay attention to their customers ordered from outside of Houston.

"You ready, babe?" Rachel kissed her girlfriend's cheek, watched her arrange the flowers in a vase. Kristie bit her lip as she concentrated on the flowers, trying to make them look as perfect as possible. Rachel went to unlock their shop and kept the door open using a door holder to let the people passing by know that they were open for the day.

Everyday, the couple were making improvements to their store and website. Kristie had created an instagram page for the store, posting pictures of the flowers they had. The couple hired a few people to help them out. They had a person behind the register, a delivery guy, a person making bouquets, and much more. Rachel was in charge of the business aspect of the store. She made sure all the money was being taken care of. She calculated how much they would need to spend each money and how much they were earning. Or as Kristie liked to put it, Rachel stares at her laptop screen for ten hours a day.

On the other hand, Kristie was in charge of taking care of the flowers. She would make bouquets sometimes, made sure each online customer got their flowers delivered. She helped wherever she could, but didn't get herself involved in Rachel's stuff because it was boring to her. However, when she got bored, she would go bother her by asking her many questions.

They were open from 7 am to 6pm. On Sunday's they would be closed. They planned on being open all week, but figured they would do that when they hired more people.

People of all ages came to their shop to buy. Most people came to buy bouquets for their significant other. Watching people do this reminded her of when Rachel would buy her flowers all the time. She still did, but they didn't habe much time because they just started running this business.

It was thirty minutes until they would close for the day, and Kristie thought of making a bouquet for her girlfriend with a little note. She did this in between cleaning up. Rachel wouldn't leave her office again until it was ten minutes until closing, so she had some time to do this.

She asked the cashier for some advice and took some of it. In the end, her bouquet ended up really pretty. Kristie hoped her girlfriend would love it. It was full of yellow flowers with their green leaves sticking out. She used some clear wrapping paper and secured it with a yellow ribbon. She took the bouquet and went to place it in the passenger seat of the car, where she sat.

Kristie went back to the store to help put some things away. Rachel finally stepped out from her office to help put things away, too. Some of their workers went home already, them and one or two other people were left. Right at 6pm, they locked their doors. They finished last minute things before it was time to head home. Rachel and Kristie walked together to their car. Lucky for them, it was Saturday so they had their day off to look forward to.

Before Rachel could get inside, Kristie asked her to close her eyes. Rachel stood still with her eyes closed as Kristie went to go get the bouquet of flowers.

"You can open them now." Kristie said with a wide smile and the bouquet in her hands. Rachel happily accepted the flowers before she pulled her girlfriend in for a hug.

"I love you so much." She whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

"I love you most." She muttered back as the two still held each other. In that moment, everything was perfect because they had one another.

// tbh I was indecisive which one to post so let's do two pics for this one :/

// tbh I was indecisive which one to post so let's do two pics for this one :/

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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