I Missed You Too - Percabeth

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Side Note - This is before the HoO series.

Annabeth and Percy go to different schools with different people and they have different classes at different times. At Annabeth's school she is known as the nerd. She is known as the girl who doesn't have any friends, sits in the cafeteria all by herself and is teased by the mean girls of the school. Percy is the complete opposite. He is the captain of the swim team and is friends with everyone at his school. All the girls have a crush on him, and they all try to hit on him.

That Charlotte girl and her stupid friends are coming, probably to tease me about my "boyfriend" or that I'm sitting alone. Again.
"Hey little miss architect," Charlotte said in her usual bratty tone. How do her friends stand her voice 24/7? Annabeth thought to herself.
"Do you Percy's number? I'd like to call him to see if he really does exist or he's just not made up like your other friends!" Charlotte continued.
"I don't own a phone." I replied. I don't own a phone as it attracts monsters, and I really don't want to deal with another one. Charlotte and the rest of her snobby friends were already a handful.
"I knew it! He doesn't exist." Charlotte sneered.
"Anyways, who would want to date you!" said one of Charlotte's friends. Abby I think her name was.
"Later loser!" Charlotte said as she walked away laughing, satisfied with her work.
10 minutes before English class finished (which by the way is not the best class if you are dyslexic and you are forced to read hours upon hours of Shakespeare), I received a text from my actually existing boyfriend, Percy Jackson or as I had saved him on my laptop, Seaweed Brain.

Seaweed Brain: Hey!

I looked around the classroom to see if my teacher would notice me texting in class.
I realised that the teacher was reading her copy of 'Hamlet' in such a boring tone that it was putting herself to sleep.

Annabeth: Hey, what's up?
Seaweed Brain: Nothing much, school finished early today so would u like me to pick u up this afternoon?
Annabeth: In other words, you got expelled? Again? SMH
Seaweed Brain: What would make you say that? I'm a straight a student!
Annabeth: Haha. Well I guess I'll meet you in the parking lot behind the school
Seaweed Brain: Sweet! See u soon
Annabeth: Bye

My day immediately got better, though time seemed to get slower.
Each minute that went by felt like an hour.

After what seemed like millennia, the dismissal bell rung.

I grabbed all my stuff and shoved it into my backpack, running as quickly as I could to my locker.
After putting all my other books inside my locker, I ran towards the exit of the school which lead to the parking lot, where Percy would be waiting.
I spotted the blue Prius almost immediately, because a small group of girls surrounded the car.

Charlotte had found Percy.

As I got closer to the car, I could hear Charlotte asking Percy questions like
"Are you single?" and "What kind of girls do you like?"
Percy's face was flustered and embarrassed, but that was until he had spotted me. I made eye contact with him. Percy pushed Charlotte out of the way and sprinted towards me.
He hugged me so tightly I think I may have broken a rib. He let go of me to allow me to get some air, only then to have his soft lips press against mine.
I had forgotten Percy's slight scent of sea salt that came from his dark, tousled hair.
I pulled away to get some air, and gazed into his sea-green eyes.
"I missed you, Seaweed Brain." I muttered to him, and pulled him back into a kiss, knowing that Charlotte and her friends were all staring at me with their jaws on the floor. Percy leaned into my ear, his warm breath brushing briefly against my cheek.
"I missed you too, Wise Girl." he whispered back to me.

Hope you enjoyed! There's still more to come! (That's if I remember to post 😅)
- Tess ✌🏻
p.s. don't forget to vote!

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