Chicken Nuggets - Frazel

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Hazel walked into the library of the New Rome college looking in every aisle for Frank. She couldn't find him anywhere and she thought that she had avoided the test.
  "Hey Hazel!"
  It was Frank. She turned to see his cute baby face approaching her. He carried a booklet, a pouch and a spray bottle filled with water. Ever since the Greeks had taught the romans how to use Iris-message, they have been using it to contact their friends from the other camp.


Hazel and a Frank found a booth by a window that overlooked the small store and Bombilo's café out on the street. Today was a warm summer's day. The bakery and other corner shops were full of customers.

  "Do you want me to call him?" Frank asked.

  "Mm? Oh yeah sure if you want." Hazel said taking her eyes off the bakery. She really wanted to open the window and let the smell of the freshly baked bread waft in and replace the smell of musty old books.

  Frank sprayed the mist into the sunlight which made a small rainbow. He flipped the golden drachma into the mist. The drachma disappeared.
"O' Iris, goddess of rainbows, please accept my offering." He waited for a moment, then he said "Leo Valdez, Camp Half-Blood." The mist shimmered and Leo's impish grin came into view.

  "How's my two favourite Praetors?" Leo asked. He had a new scar on the bridge of his nose, and he later explained that he got when practising with a sword in the arena."Ready for you test? Do you remember what it's about?"
"No I forgot," Hazel said sarcastically. "I totally didn't spend most of my nights studying the twenty first century."
"Geez really?" Leo asked."I've never been so committed to a test in my life."
"Kidding, yeah I'm ready," Hazel replied " I've memorised and studied the sheets and noted you sent us Leo. It was quite helpful."
Frank slid the booklet he was carrying before across the table. He handed her a ballpoint pen.
"You will have forty minutes to complete the exam," Leo said with disgust.     "Gosh I sound like my seventh grade English teacher. "Well I think you'll understand. Do you have the stopwatch Frank?"
"Yep." Frank said holding the stopwatch.
"Well then. Ready. Set. Begin." Leo commanded.
Hazel opened the booklet and begun the test.


Three minutes remain, and Hazel was still stuck on the last question.

What food is shown in the image above?

A. French fries
B. Chicken nuggets
C. Tater tots
D. Cheeseburger

Hazel couldn't remember what the food was. She was stuck between tater tots and chicken nuggets.
"One minute left." Frank said glancing at his stopwatch.
"Do you think you could-" Hazel started before being interrupted by Leo.
"No! Frank do not help her! She just finish on her own!"
Frank rolled his eyes. He waved his hand through the mist and Leo's face dissolved.
"Hey wai-"
"Okay so what's the question you need help with?" Frank asked.
"You're the best boyfriend ever, Frank Zhang." Hazel said. She leaned over the desk and kissed him on the cheek.

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