Staring Contest - Percabeth

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The sea breeze from the beach of Long Island blew in towards the deserted Camp Half-Blood.

No one was playing Volleyball.

No one was at the Strawberry field picking strawberries.

No one was climbing the lava wall.

What broke the eerie silence was an abrupt cheer that came from the amphitheater.
  Every kid from the different cabins were gathered together in the centre surrounding a teenaged boy and a teenaged girl opposing each other at a small desk that was brought in from the Athena kids cabin.
  Percy and Annabeth were having a very serious staring contest, to decide who would do the chores for the next five weeks. The boys or the girls. At the moment, the scores were even. Two vs. two. This round was the final round. The decider.

  "Three, two, one," Clarisse said while holding a whiteboard. "GO!"
Annabeth and Percy opened their eyes and stared at each other not daring to blink.

As Annabeth gazed into Percy's sea green eyed he stared back into her stormy grey eyes. They could re-visit all the memories they had shared together, however the blissful moment was ruined when another gust of wind blew in towards the camp.
  Fortunately for Annabeth her back was facing the beach so the wind didn't bother her.

  Unfortunately for Percy he was facing towards the direction of the beach, which also meant that the salty sea breeze blew straight into his eyes.

  Percy's eyes turned dry.
  He was desperate to blink but he couldn't let the girls win.
  A smile crept into Annabeth's face, because she knew that she had won.

  Percy's eyes were stinging. He couldn't take it anymore. He closed his eyes. The cheers that had erupted from Annabeth's side of the desk, broke the ghostly silence. It also determined the winner and the loser.

  The boys moaned and groaned. The girls cheered and whistled.

  Clarisse picked up Annabeth and put her on her shoulders. Percy had never seen Clarisse be so friendly with Annabeth before.   

  Clarisse carried Annabeth to the pavilion for a celebratory dinner and the all the other girls followed. The boys stayed behind and started their first chore on the list.
- Clean up the amphitheater, for the campfire singalongs.

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