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"Her Royal Highness Princess Merlin Ambrosius Emrys, Crown Princess of England."

The huge, oak doors simultaneously opened, and all guests looked as the princess of their land strolled in.

Princess Merlin, aged eighteen, gracefully stepped towards her throne, her chin up, her hands lightly lifting her skirt so as not to let the hems of her dress touch the floor. All eyes were on her, awed and amazed at the gracefulness she exuded. Ahead stood her parents, the great King Balinor and Queen Hunith, awaiting the arrival of their daughter.

Today was a ball in honor of their daughter, who would soon leave the palace to further her studies at the University of Avalon. Merlin had always dreamed of getting a college degree, especially taking up the course History, since she always had a penchant of reading facts about the past. At first, her parents were against it, but with constant persistence from Merlin, they finally succumbed to her wishes.

It was big news for the country, especially because it would be the first time a royal under the House of Emrys would not be homeschooled. Times had been changing, and the media had swarmed over this news like eager bees, reckoning that this might be the start of something new... that maybe the princess, once crowned Queen in the future, would bring something different for their country.

Merlin dreaded the added pressure she placed upon herself, but the anticipation of going to someplace new had overpowered all the pressure given to her way. Finally, she could act like a normal teenager and finish her college degree.

"Father, Mother," Merlin murmured, curtsying in front of her parents once she reached the throne. Balinor and Hunith beckoned their daughter to step up beside them. A servant immediately walked towards the royal family, with a tray of glass wines. Each got their own glass and King Balinor stepped forward. The banquet quietened down as all of his subjects looked at him.

"My dear guests, friends, and family, today, we graciously invited you in honor of my daughter," he started. Beside him, Merlin softly smiled while Hunith looped an arm around her daughter's arm. "My princess has grown, gone were the days when she would allow me to tell her bedtime stories of fancy knights and damsels in distress."

A collective chuckle rang across the banquet, and Merlin found herself welling up a little. Despite the stress of her position in this country, she still loved her parents dearly. They were the ones who were beside her on her most trying days.

"Merlin," he addressed, turning slightly around to look at her. "I know you will do good in the University of Avalon. You have always made us proud, and as the future Queen of this kingdom, I know that you will be wonderful."

"Thank you, Father," she sweetly said.

"Thus, my dear people, let us all give a toast for Crown Princess Merlin Ambrosius Emrys!" He raised his goblet and boomed, "Long live the Princess!"

Everybody in the room echoed his words, and truthfully, the effect of this never failed to give Merlin some chills. The fact that people are looking at her, expectant and respectful, was overwhelming for her. A mixture of feelings pooled in her heart, and all she could do was curtsy, her smile turning wide and beautiful.

King Balinor then gave his cue to his servants, and soon, dinner was brought in.


Many princes and other royals asked for Merlin's permission for a dance, and as princess, she was obliged to agree. That did not mean she was not dead tired from all the twirling and the swaying. Cringing, she could already imagine Madame Margeaux, shrilly telling her to sway like the wind, bend like the flowers.

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