xi | ancient camelot

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Arthur woke up with a jolt, furiously sputtering out water out of his mouth. Oxygen rapidly filled his lungs, heaving heavily to aid the process, as he now blearily looked around in a place with endless trees and bushes. He racked his brain, trying to remember what happened. A flurry of masked men and pink dresses entered his mind as he grew paler and paler in remembrance.

"MERLIN!" he bellowed, searching desperately for the princess. His heart skipped, eyes landing on the unconscious form of the princess beside him. Arthur scrambled towards Merlin and reached for her wrist, feeling for a pulse. Thankfully, it was there, albeit faint. "Princess, come on," he muttered under his breath, fussing over the unconscious girl. "Come on, wake up."

An ensemble of hooves and shouts reached his ears and he lifted his head, hoping for help. What greeted him though was a surprise, for before him was Leon, Elyan, Percival and Gwaine, emotions of mixed relief and worry, but they were different at the same time. He noticed that they were in armors, looking as if they were knights who stepped out of a fairytale book. And their looks... oh Leon would freak if he wore his hair as long as the hair of his strange lookalike.

"King Arthur!" he exclaimed, climbing down from his horse ('Horse!') without even waiting for it to stop. "Oh thank the gods, it is really you, Arthur!"

The other bodyguards – more fittingly knights – followed suit and flocked towards him. For a moment, Arthur tried to recall if their Winter Ball was supposedly a costume party, but looking at his normal suit and tie, and Merlin's ball gown convinced him otherwise.

Dread steadily pooled into Arthur's heart.

Something was not right.

Percival helped him up, his familiar biceps greeting him, exposed by his sleeveless chainmail. Arthur's knees were still wobbly from the drowning and the astonishing sight in front of him. Elyan took a step forward to help support him, and Arthur gladly leaned against him.

"Where have you bloody been?" Gwaine exclaimed. He tugged his horse forward, meaning to let him ride it.

"Come on," Leon commanded. "We must first bring him back to the castle. Gaius must look at him. He seems wounded" – he pointedly looked at his wounded arm – "and... shaken."

"W-what?" Arthur breathed out, confused. 'Castle? Gaius?'

Percival and Elyan helped Arthur mount the horse, but he jerked away, remembering Merlin. "NO!" he cried. "I'm bloody all right!" His crazed, frantic eyes seemed to startle them, following his line of vision toward the unconscious girl. "Bring her. Help her, for god's sake! She's unconscious, can't you see? I'm all right! Help her, please, help her!"

Gwaine rushed forward, alarmed by the desperation in Arthur's voice. He knelt down, scooping Merlin up into his arms, and bringing her to Elyan's horse. Percival and Elyan wordlessly helped Arthur to mount the horse before proceeding to journey to somewhere Arthur didn't know.

Their travel was silent, but he could feel the questioning looks directed towards him and the unconscious girl. Leon had been eyeing his strange attire for minutes, but he didn't dare raise any question, which relieved Arthur immensely.

Despite the growing darkness in the forest, Arthur noted with horror that they were not in the university anymore. The Lake of Avalon was still right where it should be, but the school buildings were replaced with endless greenery. He wondered if he was dreaming, if he was still unconscious, but everything – the sound, the smell, the surroundings – felt strongly vivid and tangible.

They were nearing a clearing. At the same time, his heart pounded loudly in his chest, anticipation building due to something unknown. He had seen this place before... he had been here before, or at least the original Once and Future King had been. Afar, he could already see a castle, a beautiful castle, and for a moment, Arthur Pendragon felt his heart stop.

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