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Days flew by and nothing out of the ordinary happened in the University of Avalon. Merlin welcomed the strange normality in the school. Back in the castle, things were rarely ordinary for her, what with being swept up in a whirlwind of dancing and socializing and really, just being all princess-y.

Feeling a little adventurous, she propped both of her feet on a nearby chair and relaxed, blocking her ears from a possible shrill berating from a memory of Madame Margeaux. She enjoyed the freedom that she has right now, and she embraced it with too much enjoyment.

"Good day, eh?" Gwen asked, as she walked inside their room, Freya following in tow. The latter now sported her usual odd, round-shaped spectacles to aid her weakening eyesight.

"You're back early," she said. "Hello, Freya." She shot a warm smile towards the future marine biologist. Merlin easily became comfortable around Gwen's friend, and she could feel that Freya felt the same way too.

"Your highness," she said, giving a half-mocking, half-respectful curtsy.

Gwen plopped down on one of their couches, with Freya choosing to claim her usual place – at the foot of the coffee table atop their carpeted floor. They both started pulling out their huge tomes and some yellow pad paper. "Microbiology is starting to become a pain in the arse," Gwen commented, harrumphing as she glared at the scribbled bacteria on her notebook.

Freya gladly nodded her head with much enthusiasm. "I mean, every time we are dismissed from our laboratory sessions, I swear I'll contract some of those awful bacteria in my system." She shivered a little to give the much-needed effect.

"Now, now," Merlin said, now sitting primly and properly. "Proper ladies do not complain. They accept trying times whole-heartedly and face them with bravery."

Both Gwen and Freya simultaneously rolled their eyes at Merlin, who dropped her 'princess' attitude. "Yeah, right, princess," Gwen shot back, unable to hold back a smile.

Merlin mirrored the smile and opened her arms to give the two of them a hug. She had grown quite fond of her roommate and Freya, already considering them as one of her closest friends. She never really had any 'girl friends' back in the castle; the closest were her maids. She was under the constant observation of her parents and teachers, that sometimes, she honestly forgot how to really trust somebody, title aside.

"This too shall pass," Merlin said, echoing her father's words on days when he could see that his daughter was having a hard time. She could be called as a daddy's girl, but she, too, loves Queen Hunith equally. "I am sure you'll both get by, trust me."

"Easy for you to say," Freya grumpily said, as Merlin now pulled away from the two of them. "You have interesting classes! I should have taken History. Biology makes me feel like I'm not capable enough of taking in those useless facts."

"Well, at least you're taking Medieval History 101 with me!" the princess claimed, trying to cheer them up.

Gwen gave a nod of approval. "So far... by far, I think it is a favorite subject of mine," she said. "Although" – she paused, shivering dramatically – "Leech gives me the creeps."

"Yeah!" Freya joined in, nodding her head enthusiastically. "Sometimes, I think, when he looks at us, he knows something we do not know."

Merlin's eyes widened. "You feel that too!" she claimed, relieved that she was not the only one.

"Well, yeah," Gwen said, nodding her head. "But every time I try to rack my brain, searching for a possible explanation, my head just gets all..."

"Fogged up?" Freya offered.

"Exactly!" Merlin exclaimed, nodding vigorously. "Sometimes, I wonder if there's this perpetual fog in my brain, disallowing me from finding the right answers to my questions."

Saving Destiny (A Merlin Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora